
It's ok to switch to v3!


This was originally a link advocating to keep v2.

Following a quick examination of v3 today (August 2016) I decided to change the title of this forum.

It was easy and simple to change - and even the link has changed! (this last part wouldn't happen in v2!) 


I'm quitting the "forever V2" group... :-) 

p.s. one little thing I'm still missing is a button allowing me to access my own forums directly - i.e., those forums, or that content, that I have created myself. This was simple in v2...




im in


I was personally asked by Erik to give my impression of v2 vs. v3 in detail. 

So I had to enter v3. 

I didn't have to spend very long there in order to realize that this is no longer the 2015 v3...

Here is my first impression, in some detail. I will write more - but this is already enough to convince me, personally, to move to v3. 

It seems to be better than v2, NOW, in August 2016. 

- - - - - - - - - - - 


So - a first interim report:

V2 vs. v3

  1. First thing I see on logging on – is that the ‘icon’ menus are now supplemented with text – one or two descriptive words – like in v2. This makes navigation easier and more intuitive.
  2. It’s nice to see an overview of articles as you log on – each with its heading and photo.
  3. As I log on to HOME it’s nice to immediately see my ongoing games. Also “news” are easily accessible through that digit on the left – which is similar to Facebook – you go there and scroll, you see pretty much all that’s happened.

My stats are still on the right side of “home” – as before – and now I also get to see a graph.

So far – so good.

  1. Another advantage is that the “report” button is so easily accessible from home.
  2. I like it that I can select “play three minutes” right from my home with one click on v3. On v2 I had to open the “live chess” page, then from it, open the actual live chess area, then select three minutes (where this was not the default). Easier and faster indeed.
  3. Now the game itself. It feels like it flows better. The board, pieces and time are bigger and clearer. It’s easier to chat with an opponent, the resignation (abort) and draw button have never been clearer. The game experience is easier and more fun. The indicators of connection quality have more in-between levels… it feels more professional overall.
  4. Still in the playing zone – I like it that when my friends appear, I also see their icon. More graphic and cheerful overall!!
  5. It’s nice that we now have these “chess variants”. Now they are also easy to find. I will explore them at some point.
  6. It’s now also simple and easy to set parameters for challenges on live – very quick and intuitive.


First judgment: I like it.

I will explore it further, as regards tactic trainer, chess mentor, online chess, stats, articles and anything else that comes to mind.

For now I will switch to v3, with an optimistic view.


- - - - - - - - - - 

LAST MINUTE: trying the forums

10. The presentation of various types of forums is simple and easy to navigate. They work better and more smoothly and look more professional. 

11. I like it that I can change the size of the window I'm writing in!

12. More types of smileys!! The "writing" palette seems to be more varied than it was on v2. Need to explore further. 


What are y'all waiting for? Jump into the water!! V3 is worth trying - it's much better than it was last time I tried it (I think still in 2015). 


i am waiting for V4 where there is a holographic coach sitting on the desk.


Wow! That was an awesome review. Thank you very much for taking the time!!

erik wrote:

Wow! That was an awesome review. Thank you very much for taking the time!!

I think Solskytz deserves 2 years of free diamond membership. 

(for Solskytz: my comission is 10% over the whole benefit, pls do not forget)


gameknot has a nice blackness.

schemingmind has a nice level of "chessness".

what is the sense of quality of this site which finds an equal value ?.








Marco's posts are always fun :-)

I created the thread and will keep it - but my own position changed 180 degrees...

I'm now a v3 supporter!!

I checked v3, and it's better than v2 in many ways. 

I was against v3, because last time I checked it was in 2015 and it was full of bugs and problems and very counter-intuitive to navigate. 

All of these issues are gone now, as far as I saw in my short examination above...

I like the operating basis of v3, and I don't really expect too much in way of "nasty surprises" in the aspects of the site that I didn't check yet. 

On the other hand - I believe that if serious issues will be found, they will be taken care of. 

erik wrote:

Wow! That was an awesome review. Thank you very much for taking the time!!


I'm really happy that you wrote me. THIS is what it took to finally make me LOOK... :-) !!!!

MarcoBR444 wrote:
erik wrote:

Wow! That was an awesome review. Thank you very much for taking the time!!

I think Solskytz deserves 2 years of free diamond membership. 

(for Solskytz: my comission is 10% over the whole benefit, pls do not forget)


You're a dear Marco! :-)

I definitely don't mind paying for the perks of premium membership. 

I will pay for two more years, and then have it free for the rest of my life - plus pink background. 


I prefer V2




I choose V2 with additional chess variants.


I am very happy with v2. I tried v3 and found it ugly and clunky and dificult to navigate. Please keep v2 as an option.


I say we keep v2 and simply rename it v3. This way both sides will be happy. Damn I need a  promotion and a raise!!


I do not like v3 and refuse to use it. v2 forever!