
New Feature: Key Moments (post-game Analysis) fully released!


Hey, all! Today we finally fully pulled back the curtain on something new in post-game Analysis!

Key Moments builds on the familiar "Retry Mistakes" feature to give players a walk-through of different types of important moments in the game: Mistakes, yes - but also Openings, key turning points, critical moves, and more!

As you step through your game, you will still have the chance to Retry any mistakes identified by Analysis, and at the end (as before) you will see the difference the new moves made to the game's overall Accuracy.

We still have some ideas and improvements in the works for the very near future, including the ability to switch sides and play through your opponent's Key Moments. (It's already possible to review Moments for both sides - if you weren't one of the players.) Very soon, we're also adding the ability to jump between Moments by clicking on the lines in the graph at top.

Anyway, check it out - and let us know what you think! Thanks!


Deep Greene,

Fantastic! Just tried it in a browser on a Chromebook. Checked my Android app and did not see it. Coming soon? Please consider adding a "?" icon so we can see summaries of latest updates on each platform.


(Crackle Crunch) Great addition. Thanks. (Crunch crackle)

The new moment analysis looks good. But the old retry feature is fantastic due to below reasons:

1.Identify mistakes and blunders for a specific side (white or black) and do retry/fix the incorrect move. we can still go the previous or next move in this original retry option.  Now in the next moment analysis, i am not able to see the previous or previous 2 moves that lead to this situation. The previous button just takes to previous moment that is way 10 or 15 moves back.

2.Old Retry option had the ability to go to specific moves (mistakes or inaccuracies or blunders) and then analyze that option with new possible moves. 

Is it possible to add the old retry option, where it helps to check a specific move in the game.






I love the new Key Moments design! The visualization graphic is great and it helps see the flow of the game.

I'd really love to be able to "retry mistakes" as well though. Sometimes I see that feature and sometimes I don't. I find that key moments sometimes leaves out the inaccuracies that I'd want to analyze as well.

Also - have found this bug only with the new update, in both the newest version of FF/Chrome on Win7. Sometimes when reviewing the game, it "fast forwards" as if I'm spamming the "next move" button. And if I push back, as soon as I stop it will rapidly fast forward again. I haven't pushed the "play button" (and even if I had it wouldn't be fast forwarding that quickly). Sorry if this isn't the right thread for bug reports.

zabaduba wrote:

Also - have found this bug only with the new update, in both the newest version of FF/Chrome on Win7. Sometimes when reviewing the game, it "fast forwards" as if I'm spamming the "next move" button. And if I push back, as soon as I stop it will rapidly fast forward again. I haven't pushed the "play button" (and even if I had it wouldn't be fast forwarding that quickly). Sorry if this isn't the right thread for bug reports.


+1 (Chrome, Win10)


I actually bought Diamond for the Retry button. Please keep this feature, and don't change what is working perfectly. The "moments" things can be interesting but don't remove the other great features please. 


I once clicked on the "Key Moments" but then the moves kept scrubbing forwards, whenever I clicked on a previous move it would automatically play the next moves.

Pressing pause would stop it, but would automatically resume when I clicked on a move. 

I don't know if this is fixed, but this only happened once.

SNUDOO wrote:

I once clicked on the "Key Moments" but then the moves kept scrubbing forwards, whenever I clicked on a previous move it would automatically play the next moves.

Pressing pause would stop it, but would automatically resume when I clicked on a move. 

I don't know if this is fixed, but this only happened once.


Yes - that's exactly it for me too, you just expressed it better.


I am sorry - didn't mean to hijack the thread with a bug report. Truly I think this feature is awesome and really well designed. I have gotten to the point where I almost enjoy analyzing my games more than playing them!


Please look into restoring the retry mistakes feature which I felt was one of the best things on Thank you!


retry mistakes is still here.



Thank you Snudoo! Looking into it a bit, I see it exists as you show, but only on my games going back to April 1. Well, I'm sure will do what they can.


I can view my games from 2019, and my most recent games. Not sure what's happening there


If have previously ran a report, it is likely stored in the old format. I would have to test to see if that's the case.


Maybe you're still working the bugs out of this feature, but I don't find it as convenient as the old "retry" feature. Isn't there some way you could allow either or? In the user settings, maybe?


New bug(?) when I make a move in the Key moments-retry mode, and make a move, I don’t see a button that says “next key moment”. Worked yesterday but not today.


It's still buggy, I'm afraid. it was ok, but something happened


I really like the feature, but I am also seeing an issue in Chrome. It was working find until a few days ago, but now when it displays a Key Moment, and I click Retry and make a move, it just shows the original move and removes all buttons. As soon as the Retry button is displayed, there is an error shown in the javascript console:

Uncaught (in promise) TypeError: Cannot read property 'ids' of null at VueComponent.<anonymous> (analysis.client.7f5cc36b.js:2)


same @euler105 it happened to me yesterday, dunno about today (haven't checked). I am no coder so I wouldn't know about the javascript stuff though.