
suggestion for further site options


First of all I would like to say that I love this website and that I am not complaining but just suggesting.

I think it would be really helpful if you could bookmark a position in the game explorer. You can open a particular opening by entering the ECO code but often I am looking at positions deeper in the opening and then I have to enter the same moves all the time.

It would also be really great if there was a link from one of your past games in the game archive to the game explorer. It would be really neat if for instance you are looking at move 7 in one of your past games, that there would be a button to open the same position in the opening explorer. It would be a great study tool to see where you went wrong and what the pro's did in that same position as opposed to us mortals :-)

Hope this might help to further improve this great site.




i would like to be able to flip the board around in live chess.