
Tactics Ratings: Fake?


My online rating is somewhere just above 1300, but my tactics rating is like 1125. I believe that the tactics rating is fake for this reason. What do you all think?


Given all the data and the thorough analysis you have provided I

am forced to agree with you!


Alright! :D lol


I have tried to figure out the difference between my mentor and tactics trainer ratings, but my tactics trainer is comparable to my online, live and 960 ratings. I think the thing that makes tactics trainer a bit more stringent, is that it demands particular moves, in a particular amount of time, playing humans allows for both of those things to be more arbitrary and yet still provide you with an opportunity to succeed.

I welcome you to look at my profile to see just how big the disparity between them. My tactics trainer is actually higher than any of my other ratings, except for the mentor rating. I chalk this up to holes in my game that aren't exploited in every puzzle, such as my lack of opening prowess and shakey middle games after a bad opening. Those things are predetermined by those trainers. The other thing I chalk up the difference to is that I tend to either get impatient sometimes, or lack focus through the length of a game. I don't do this in a puzzle that takes 2 minutes.


It sure is a mystery... I mean how people believe that ratings are a measurement like yards or something.


Thanks nameno! Yeah, I agree wafflemaster!