
The Unacceptable Flaw with Use of Game Explorer/DB in Vote/Turn Chess


Well done PeterB.. Good call, .. Gonna head to 960  for my daily games

cjxchess17 wrote:

Each player gets 1440 minutes in live chess to start with and gets an increment of 86400 seconds per move, problem solved.



Wow a thread that is still alive after 7 years?? Cool!

Anyway I didn't read it much (not even the first post), because it is completely ridiculous. Whining about players using databases in online correspondence chess? Much wow. Like what is a solution to this?


Ban game explorer on (well people will just another online database)

Ban all online databases? (which itself is completely unrealistic; well people will just start using chess books, videos etc.)

So what? Will you ban chess books and videos about chess openings? (People will use pencils and write it down at home)

So will you ban pencils and paper then??? lol

I went into absurd lenghts, but that's basically how it is. No one can change that.

I mean one kinda has to live in his own universe to not be able to understand this.


If you can't stand this, just play chess960


Well said.


Simple do not play vote chess-or get your b**** on.


Given that the opening explorer really sucks and makes no sense, I guess it is not a big deal. I mean, there is no way that the developers can’t understand that it just makes no sense if you follow a line, the changing percentages. Perhaps they purposely sabotaged it in support of my post. But anyway, you can get good opening books from other sites. I occasionally check it for games, but since following it leads to often losing positions, and I don’t feel like opening lichess and recreating position, mostly I do my own thing for better or worse.


Glad we got a new thread. I think this thread will be going a longer than I'm alive.


Don't bump junk like this. Erik already addressed this thread...there's no higher authority to refer it to. Notice how the OP tried to revive this in 2023, 2.5 years after the last posts in 2021. Nobody fell for it then, and there's no reason to bump it now unless you're a troll, or an alt account of the OP.


Explorer is still an issue in 2024. It's not even about vote or daily chess.

While site disallows usage of analysis during live play with a notification:

Usage of Explorer is not prohibited during live play.

basketstorm wrote:

Explorer is still an issue in 2024. It's not even about vote or daily chess.

While site disallows usage of analysis during live play with a notification:

Usage of Explorer is not prohibited during live play.

Make a new thread then. This one is about vote chess, and deserves to stay buried.




I can't stop laughing