


I wonder if it wouldn't be possible to give a rating system to the vote chess teams, instead of the current fixed score system.

At the moment, the vote leaderboard doesn't give you a clear idea of the vote chess groups potential.



I am not saying that the groups on top are not really good, (or maybe one of the best)... but they are there mostly because they play much more often than others.

I wouldn't like to remove completely this leaderboard, but maybe it would be really interesting and useful to add a line with the Elo rating for vote chess groups (or according to glicko system as used in with the same features as for individual players. The vote chess groups starts with 1200 and then gets more or less rating depending the wins and against which teams they play...

I even think it would possible to create it already with the current information of games played in the would give a clear picture on what the vote chess groups potential is.... not just because they play more or less oftenly and or because they play always against weaker groups or recently created.


Please let me know your thoughts! :)

And staff please let me know whether there would be any constrains creating this. Thanks in advance!


Agreed  & supported 100%.

My team has beaten Fast Players four times (no losses) but they are high ranked because they simply play so many games.  May as put Aniko as one of's highest rated players because she has so many wins (no offense Aniko, props for your dedication!).


i'm not saying no to this, but honestly, most teams will never finish enough games to even get an accurate rating, which is why we didn't do this at the start.

erik wrote:

i'm not saying no to this, but honestly, most teams will never finish enough games to even get an accurate rating, which is why we didn't do this at the start.

 Yes, this is happening because new groups are accepting challenges with less than 1 day...(clearly they are not prepared)

Anyway, I think that this happens in all the chess games modes...what about adding also the time out ratio too? (yes, I know that I am asking too much..:) but I spend most of my time playing vote chess in all of my groups... and I am tired of 2 things.... winning on time, and playing against really unprepared groups or really strong groups... with the leaderboard points... you don't know what to expect so you isssue the challenge to the wrong team always..

It would be really nice to have something like the ELO rating available.


Thanks in advance!

BTW, congratulations Erik for this fantastic site... I love it! :)


Apart from that, as a win is worth the same if it is against a strong team or a newly created group... all the groups are "tempted" to challenge those "weaker" groups... and that's the main reason why there are too many loses on time...

If they were afraid of losing a big amount of points on their ratings... they would focus onto the strongest groups instead...


I agree, a rating system would be great.

I'm not gonna mention names, because technically our move only happens in 2 days,  but in one vote chess game we are voting for a mate in one after 8 moves against one of the top 5 teams on this list. Clearly they don't belong in this position.


I clearly think this is a fantastic and correct approah. lots of groups are at the top simply because they play far more games than smaller but much better votechess groups. and there is no reason why this form of rating cant reside next to the ususal one.


A great idea! It would be much better than the current one! :)


Well, if there are not enough games for accurate ratings (good point, I didn't think of that), what about a ladder of sorts,Undecided

erik wrote:

i'm not saying no to this, but honestly, most teams will never finish enough games to even get an accurate rating, which is why we didn't do this at the start.

 Yes erik you are absolutely right that it was the right way to start with. As with the passage of time new features are being encorporated into function, I think there might be some new VOTE CHESS teams could perform very well but it would take them ages to reach the top since they will have to match the number of games played by very seasoned and old group teams.

There might be different analyses to scrutinize which team is playing better and IS actually better. Afterall it is CHESS WIN that is important for a team's rating as well as the TEAM WORK. I reckon the no of games played or under process should be secondary.

Therefore, I agree with kokino on this one that NOW might be the right time to give new teams fair chances to stand higher (or lower) mostly because HOW WELL they are performing and not because HOW MANY they are playing.

Thanx for listening




I understand that many groups (including mineWink) are impatient to see themselves at the top, and existing point-system will always keep groups playing the maximum number of games (not maximum % wins) at the top...


But we must realise that it is very difficult to implement conditional moves in vote chess... that means the games will take very long time to end anyway.


Now, for the sake of argument, let us assume that Glicko system is implemented; will it be possible to assign points based on all past games played, or will every group has to start with 1200? This is important, as without the stats of previous games played, it will be like starting vote chess in afresh, and it will take years to get some decent stats for each group. We will find more groups objecting than the number of groups agreeing... otherwise it is definitely a very sound logic...


Instead of the Glicko, is it possible to do simpler algorithms based on existing stats, like % of Wins and the number of points/matches? This will not have all the advantages of Glicko, but something that can at least be implemented right away, and we dont have to start afresh... Some of us might be able to come up with some brilliant algorithms...


We must realise that a few voiced opinions will not help Erik to reach a decision - any implementation will have to get the vote of the majority...


I know it is a hard job, more over when Erik's staff is working hard in other priorities, but the info is there so it should be possible to implement the glicko system using all the games archive, so rating would be the real ones... anyway, this is an idea and my personal opinion, of course is Erik's final decision if they want / can implement it... or not.

Eiwob wrote:

A 'Games won/games played' system would make all the teams want to play weak teams. It would also rate a team with 3/3 points higher than one with 99/100, so that would be too simple.

 You are right, and as I mentioned before, one of the problems because of some many games lost on time, is because strong teams keep challenging newly created or weaker groups (with not enough members)... at the end, a win is a win with the current system, so if you want to jump on the leaderboard, you don't risk playing the best... is easy.


As kokino has said, if Glicko is possible base on all games previously played, I am for it. If everyone has to start from 1200 from scratch, then I am against it.

"strong teams keep challenging newly created or weaker groups (with not enough members" - I know exactly what you are talking about - that is one of the abuse potential of the current system... 


Some teams have completed a lot of games indeed, so a Glicko rating for them based on all the games they've played so far would probably give a pretty good idea of their strength.  The current points system on the leaderboard doesn't really tell you too much about a group's strength.  Excellent suggestion anyway.


I'm in favour of some kind of rating system for Vote Chess, as the current Vote Chess leaderboard doesn't make much sense, indeed.

If Glicko is not appropriate (I don't know if it is or not, just a thought), then maybe simply use a points system taking into account the % of wins of opposing teams : if I win against a team who has 100%; it's 10 pts, if I win against a team which has 50%, it's 5 pts, and so on. This way, winning plenty of games against weak teams doesn't give you many points.


I am not sure, simply guessing... If Glicko or similar system is implemented, all groups will have to start with a clean slate, ie. 1200 or whatever[It is extremely difficult to calculate based on past games - e.g. we dont know the rating of group B at a particular moment of time when group A played with it]. As conditional moves cannot be implemented (I sure wish there was some way a group admin could use up the remaining time if he/she was satisfied that sufficient votes have been cast), games will take a very long time to finish (each 3 days/move game will take 6 days/move or 4 months for 20 moves - if games take 20 moves on an avg to end, we will complete 3 games / year.) That means it will be nearly another 5-10 years before all the groups will have any meaningful rating.


Are all of you guys and gals saying "yay" OK with that?


I think I've said this before, somewhere...

What is needed is a RANKING system instead of a RATING system. Winning moves your position up, losing moves it down. The size of the movement depends on the start rankings of the two teams.


 rooperi, excellent idea!

But how do you implement it?

(1) How do you rank them initially?

(2) What happens if you play someone below you, and win?

(3) What happens if you play someone above you, and lose?

I believe what we are ALL looking for is a brilliant algorithm based on current stats of points, %wins, games played, to give a more meaningful "ranking" based on actual playing strength rather than a slewed ranking based on total number of games played.


I think we have so many members, some brilliant statisticians, that it should not be impossible for someone to come up with an algorithm to satisfy everybody!

dsarkar wrote:

I am not sure, simply guessing... If Glicko or similar system is implemented, all groups will have to start with a clean slate, ie. 1200 or whatever[It is extremely difficult to calculate based on past games - e.g. we dont know the rating of group B at a particular moment of time when group A played with it] (Are you sure you can't??? Well, if the info is there why not? you just have to get it an make a delayed time simulation.., I know that we are talking about 2500 games in the archive [sorry staff, I know is not that easy and might take some resources to create a routine or program to do it], but it can be done as the exact date when all the games finished is there, and give current teams/groups accurated Elo Ratings based on their games archives... just imagine we are currently giving asssumed Elo Ratings to 15th century players based on the few games archive we have kept over the years!...). As conditional moves cannot be implemented (I sure wish there was some way a group admin could use up the remaining time if he/she was satisfied that sufficient votes have been cast),(This way it wouldn't be vote chess but simply Admins playing each other, don't you think?) games will take a very long time to finish (each 3 days/move game will take 6 days/move or 4 months for 20 moves - if games take 20 moves on an avg to end, we will complete 3 games / year.) That means it will be nearly another 5-10 years before all the groups will have any meaningful rating. (That would be if your group only plays one game at once... I guess that you will be playing more than that... if you play, let's say 5-10 games, you are just talking about 1 year, that's not that long... :) and always taking you are playing 3days/move, which in fact, we normally play 1 day/move... which give us 1/3... so we are now talking about 4 months.. :))

Are all of you guys and gals saying "yay" OK with that?

(If staff doesn't want /can invest on creating the archive rating, I would rather to start over again than to keep the current system... just take an example, look at the current 960Chess ranking, I believe that after just a couple of weeks playing it, you can see how quick the ranking gets more and more accurated... or at least, better than the current fixed points system)
