
Best UnderPromotion Endgame Compilation

EndgameEnthusiast2357 wrote:

I feel like that one could be modified to have more pawns and end up having multiple knight underpromotions similar to my previous one like this:

Even better.


Did somebody say multiple Knight underpromotions? wink

White to move and mate in 7:

drdos7 wrote:

Did somebody say multiple Knight underpromotions?

White to move and mate in 7:

very impressive


I like how that one is so much more realistic than the still undefeated 8 knight promotions puzzle. It looks like a blitz game where white tried to ram the queenside with everything but got careless and let that e pawn through, or mouseslipped and forgot to to move the king to f1, but still managed to pull an obscure mate out of it lol

drdos7 wrote:
EndgameEnthusiast2357 wrote:

I feel like that one could be modified to have more pawns and end up having multiple knight underpromotions similar to my previous one like this:

Even better.

Yeah starting it with a queen sacrifice as the only winning move and then multiple underpromotions is even better. Those cascade-underpromotions are cool.

EndgameEnthusiast2357 wrote:

I like how that one is so much more realistic than the still undefeated 8 knight promotions puzzle. It looks like a blitz game where white tried to ram the queenside with everything but got careless and let that e pawn through, or mouseslipped and forgot to to move the king to f1, but still managed to pull an obscure mate out of it lol

Here's one similar to the 8 Knight underpromotions, but with only 7.

White to move and mate in 7:


Here is one where it is Black to move, but White to draw using underpromotions to save the game:


And here is an underpromotion study, White to play and draw:


450 is an interesting study, but is that really the only way to draw?

EndgameEnthusiast2357 wrote:

450 is an interesting study, but is that really the only way to draw?

The first 3 underpromotions are absolutely necessary, otherwise White gets mated quickly, however if Black varies on move 4 and plays 4...Qb3 then there are no more underpromotions necessary for the draw after 5.Ne7+ Kg5 6.b8=Q would be the move, or simply an immediate 5.b8=Q would work.






An old study of mine I don't recall posting to

A random lichess tactic.

I've seen the first one but they are both still great, thanks!


Found that study I was trying to find a few months ago. Can't annotate right now, but it's definitely the gold standard for underpromotions in my opinion.