
Black to play and draw


I thought the concept behind this endgame was interesting:

The board is flipped, by the way. The white king is on e8.

1...kb7 2. kf7...Rf2+ 3. Kxg7...Re2 4. Kf2...Rf2+

Here, black alternates the rook between the e,f, and g files depending on the position of the white king.  if Ke8, Rg2 to attack the g pawn.  if the white king to the f file, then Rf+.  If the white king to the g file, then Re2 attacking the e pawn.  White cannot make progress

mosai wrote:

4...Rf2+?? is the losing move for Black in your diagram, and the rest just shows White's win.

4...Kc6/c7 are the right moves there, and if 5.g7, 5...Kd6 seals the draw as in the OP's puzzle, i.e, 6.g8=Q Rf2+ followed by 7...Rg2+ and 8...Rxg8 and the e-pawn will fall anyway.
