
King and pawn vs king and pawn on same file


Hi, I'm a beginner here at chess and this is possibly (probably?) a silly question but is king and pawn vs king and pawn, where the pawns are on same file, always a draw assuming no one makes an blunder? Or is there a clever tactic to capture your opponents pawn without losing yours? I had a look in to it and can't find much on the subject.

Any help would be great, thanks.


This is my current position and I've just been put in to check.


Yep, objectively speaking that is a draw. In general, no. It depends on the king position of each side.




Ok, thanks very much for your help.


Crap, I didn't realize this was an ongoing game you have. I believe it's against the rules to discuss ongoing games in the forums.


Ah oops.. sorry! I'll resign the game.


Not all pawn endings with pawns on the same file are draws; it depends on how far advanced the pawns are and king placement:

However, if the pawns were further back, then black could draw:

Next we'll look at a situation where Black's king is not infront of the opposing pawn:

Knowing that key positions is important for the next postion:

I hope this helps resolve some questions about about king and pawn endings with pawns on the same file.


Wow this is more than I could have hoped for, thanks for your time. I'll study this in detail. Thank you very much


No problem. I hope its helps. I really cements the info into my mind when I pull it out like this too.