
Rook vs. Knight


I am currently studying Rook vs. Knight endgames. Everything I see says that when both of the defending pieces are in a four-square corner (shown in red in the following diagram) that the attacker has a win,.

I have run into several positions where both defending pieces are in one of the four-square areas (three of them to be exact) and I can't find the win. I am going to post one at a time and try to get an answer.  The first is as follows:

FEN: 6n1/6k1/8/6K1/8/8/8/R7 w - - - -
If anyone has a solution to this, please let me know what it is. Also, can anybody recommend good references (books, videos, etc.) on this ending? Thanks.



Mate, I would recommend not to spend time considering this endgame. It is very uncommon and your progress will not be defined by such things. 


You can find all the answers in syzygy (, a database with all endgames with no more than 7 units. Your diagram is a draw.

On the practical level read the previous post. By the time you get to GM you may choose to revisit this material. Of course you may have a special interest in endgame studies without caring for its contribution to your playing strength. In that case carry on.


I think that it depends on the technique of the defender. You can try up to 50  moves!


In general, I think, the defender should try to keep the knight and king together while the attacker must try to divorce them. The defenders must stay in the centre while the attacker must try to get the enemy king to the corner.  I think. 


let me take a closer look and get back with you, I am trying to do this in my head and it isn't working very well


Padre, Perhaps mate is possible if a player is clumsy but the king and knight will be able to defend this and high level players would agree to a draw.  I had always understood this to be a draw but your intro piqued my interest, but I don't think it is possible to force mate in this situation as white.


The table bases hold all the answers.

In the Yekaterinburg Candidates Caruana-MVL both players missed in the KR vs. KNP.