Beginner to Intermediate - 5 Dubious Traps You Need To Know
"Traps You Need To Know"
++ You do not need to know these.
You can deduce the correct play by logical thought from opening principles and calculation.
This is for beginners. I'm pretty sure that anyone who has never run into these traps could easily fall for them.
In order to avoid losing in Legal's mate after moving the bishop to h4, you can't take the queen for "free."
In order to avoid the Blackburne Schilling Gambit, you can't take the "free" rook.
If you aren't prepared for the Lasker Gambit against the Queen's Gambit, you can't take a free bishop and you have to realize that the promotion will be to a knight instead of a queen.
Obviously there are a couple other traps mentioned but knowing these can really help beginners and encourage them to grow their pattern recognition skills.
If you don't play anything close to these lines you're okay but as a beginner to Intermediate, the Ruy Lopez, Scandanavian, Italian game,
Plus they are actually fun which is half of what beginners need to continue their growth and promote the game
And here's the game right after that. Yes I ended up losing due to poor calculation at the end. However I also learned that even though he deviated from the trap line by castling, in the future I can take c3 with my queen and be 2.75 points up and ultimately have a relatively easy game from now on.
My best beginners game was probably one day when a reporter photographer was taking club chess play photographs for an article. I was matched up with the clubs most Pompous Bragging player. I don't remember his name . .
He would strut around the club coming to the board he would be playing to make his moves and leave again while puffing a white cigarette holder. He was dressed in a suit and tie just for the photos. I was playing white pieces dressed casually.. I was not a great player but i liked to attack get the game over and start a new one . . .
It seems that his bishop had my knight pinned to my Queen at the beginning of the game. I was playing slow and i moved my knight taking the pawn on e5. He was watching when i did that and made a trash talk comment. Showing off he took my Queen with his bishop. 6. . . . BxQ?
He strutted away, puffing his smoke into the air.. I was startled that he took my Queen. I saw I had a mate in two Legals mate. I didn't make my move with my bishop until he came back. A couple of minutes later he strudded back. I made my simi final move, 7. Bxp+ Check!
Photographers flash went off.
He made a small remark, moving his king. 7. . . . KE7
I immediately moved, 8. Nd5. # Mate . . . Smiling!
Many of the club members congratulated me. It wasn't my best but I was glad it happened against this player. The photo and article was published in the local newspaper. I was seated and he standing puffing while getting mated. . . .
The next day we travelled to San Quentin PRISON to play the prisoners. They had to play all their leagues games at home. I was.placed on the weakest board since I didn't have a rating yet. I won both games. . . One with of the games i won with a smothered mate . . .
Thanks for making me think of this. It was May 1963 summer time . .