
Chess Opening recommendation

Greetings, Can someone help me choose a good opening for black and white? (Message me)
Hello, I am looking for chess students. I can offer at a low rate.

Pick something that is not unsound. Don't play for tricks.
Apart from that, I would go for more classical openings than hypermodern as a start for a novice player. For instance start with 1.e4 as white and go for Italian game, or Scotch or Ruy Lopez if the opponent answers with 1. ...e5. As black vs 1.d4 answer with 1. ...d5 and against 1.e4 you can start with 1 ... e5, but you can play any other common defense as Sicilian, French or Caro Kann. It doesn't matter too much. Personally I would start with 1. ...e5 and when you progress to intermediate or so level, I would either stick with it, or change it up if you want to play something else.

You do not have to memorize openings. Memorize something like 3-5 moves and then follow opening principles. Following principles is much more useful than memorization for a novice player.


Simplest and best is to defend 1 e4 e5 and 1 d4 d5 as black and to open 1 e4 as white.


Play the London and the Cato kann


Sistema Londres con blancas y con negras la defensa siciliana me gusta jugar personalmente la variante cerrada de la siciliana


Your ranking is below 900.

My recommendation is to play Scholar’s Mate as white.

My recommendation is to play Fishing Pole trap as black.

tygxc wrote:

Simplest and best is to defend 1 e4 e5 and 1 d4 d5 as black and to open 1 e4 as white.

Agree on e5 being a good response to e4 but for d4, kings indian defense is a way to go and better for learning for a beginner


i recommend the queens pawn opening so you can use your queen quicker


I don't want to message you privately.

White: Queen's Gambit


QGA and Sicilian Kan.

Black against everything else:

d5 c5 Nc6 Nf6, preferably in the order I wrote - d5 first, then c5, then Nc6, then Nf6.

Black against 1.c4 (English Opening):

c5, Nf6, e6, d5:

And 0-0 quickly.
I always open with queen side. Period