
Not sure if capturing pawn with king would be a legal move?


Hello, not sure if this is the right forum or not. Sorry if it’s not - and I also apologize since I’m probably not using correct terminology.

In the given situation, would it be legal for black’s king to capture the white pawn on d7? If it did, it would technically be in check, but white can’t move the queen without putting their king into check. So we were just looking for some clarification. We know there are other moves available, but we’re wondering about this one specifically. Thank you!

christi098 wrote:

Hello, not sure if this is the right forum or not. Sorry if it’s not - and I also apologize since I’m probably not using correct terminology.


In the given situation, would it be legal for black’s king to capture the white pawn on d7? If it did, it would technically be in check, but white can’t move the queen without putting their king into check. So we were just looking for some clarification. We know there are other moves available, but we’re wondering about this one specifically. Thank you!


Pinned pieces still attack squares and pieces, including giving check to a king in a square covered by the pinned piece.


A king can never move into any attacked square.


Think about if it was allowed. If you were allowed to do it,  your opponent also be allowed to move the pinned piece, exposing their king, to take yours, which would end the game.


Since taking the king isn't part of the game (ourside of blitz possibilities), the rule is the king can't step into check or make a move exposing the king to check.


Kxd7 would be ILLEGAL.