
why are lower rated players harder to beat?


im at 450 -510 and i wonder how people don't do any mistake during the whole game and then in the endgame they need almost infinite moves to find the obvious chekmate in one. (with 2 queens and two rugs...) maybe they use an engine and turn it off when they think they can do it alone??

Early Aggressors, 

I call them " Early Aggressors". Yes they are very beginners but still they can beat a comparatively better player.

Tip: Go all Defense, do not counter or try to respond to their attacks.

let them have their attack.

Try to drag game little further and "Early Aggressors" will leave serious weaknesses behind or blunder something.


For me, when i play with more elo players, i play much stronger because i want to gain so many elo

dinhthienvu wrote:

For me, when i play with more elo players, i play much stronger because i want to gain so many elo

it's same at every level


I play in focused mode so I don't know my opponent's rating until after the game (doesn’t apply to daily games)


... I do notice that my accuracy score correlates with my opponent's. Maybe, if the opponent does inaccurate things, then so do I? Or maybe some styles of game are just more difficult to play accurately than others, so we both play accurately or not, depending on which we've stumbled into? But I genuinely think that playing with better players encourages you to play better too.

I also think there are lots of possible reasons why the difficulty of a game doesn't always seem as low as the opponent's rating would lead you to expect! Some people play a style that I just don't like, and can't play against. I personally hate pawn-pushers, who just keep moving pawns and nothing else. They nearly always win against me, so half the time I resign as soon as I realise that's what they are (I can't be bothered to waste my time losing games that are no fun to play). But the analysis afterwards usually shows their play as very inaccurate, so it must just be that it's not my style.

Also, personally, I'm stuck at a very low level, but there is a layer of people above me, who always play the Fried Liver. Every time. Okay, not every, but if you're around the 600 region, three out of every four games seems to be fried liver (and a good proportion of the rest are wayward queen, which I quite like playing against). I always end up playing the anti-fried-liver, which I gather isn't really a great approach anyway (but in a 10 min game I haven't got time to think of anything better), and it all gets rather dull. So once I get into that layer, I get fed up, resign a lot, and sink down back into the depths where people play different openings...

I feel like one of those planktonic things that rises through the water column, and sinks again, with the cycle of the day....