Chess app for setting up positions
I really don’t understand how’s this not in the main options list. Should be listed as “Setup Board” or something.

Either I am being ridiculously stupid or the solution that ijgeoffrey posted does not work. Can anyone help?

Either I am being ridiculously stupid or the solution that ijgeoffrey posted does not work. Can anyone help?
The app has changed a lot over the four years since I posted these instructions, so they're a little different now.
- Open the app and select "Computer" from the menu.
- Choose one of the different computer personalities you'd like to use. (For position analysis, I recommend scrolling to the bottom and selecting "Engine".)
- On the next screen, select what color you want to play, and set the Mode to "Custom."
- For Type, select "Custom Setup" and input your position.
- Set any other settings you want, and then tap Play.
ijgeoffrey: Thanks for the instructions on how to set up a position. However at step 4) I get only "Standard' and 'Chess960' for options under 'Type'. What am I missing here? Thanks.

ijgeoffrey: Thanks for the instructions on how to set up a position. However at step 4) I get only "Standard' and 'Chess960' for options under 'Type'. What am I missing here? Thanks.
For PC go to Learn and click analysis and then click setup.

Hi onefoozer, I think it only works on the mobile app.
The android mobile app only gives standard and 960 as options.
No custom game possible.
Have any android users found the way to do this?

Board Editor in
It's like having a physical board, you can put pieces as per what you want to analyse and do the moves by yourself.
Forgive me because I'm sure this has been addressed somewhere on the site already, but I couldn't find it. I'm looking for a good iOS chess app that will let me set up positions, and then work through them against the computer to practice tactics. Any ideas?