
For the lovers of reconstruction of displayed chess positions in paintings, in Jacobus Cessolis lati


Gathering material for my recent blog [The Queen's playing chess with the devil], I've found a latin manuscript [MS Reg. Lat. 430] of Jacobus Cessolis' "De moribus hominum et de officiis nobilium super ludo scaccorum". In f. 95r [] is shown a position probably of medieval chess...


and a closer detail

a reconstructive try by me...


and the illustrations of the pieces. Each illustration is followed by a figure of an actual chess piece that maybe helps the reconstruction...



In the reconstruction - just a first glance impression - it would make more sense to swap the positions of the Black King and Queen!? In medieval chess, the 'Queens' stayed on the same coloured squares ( albeit probably white squares, but you know what I mean!!) and so if you transpose the two pieces the position is a nice mate with a Pawn.

Just my quick impression, albeit one that makes sense to me in my haste. Just trying to get my own article posted so not checked properly - humble apologies.

Thanks for this  mate - it is always a good day when you post something, and the pictures have come out beautifully on my feeble computer, which is nice. Lovely.grin.png 


I did it really hastily, so to make a start on reconstruction. It has obviously an other mistake too. I have placed two black dark square bishops. I'll try again laterhappy.png

introuble2 wrote:

I did it really hastily, so to make a start on reconstruction. It has obviously an other mistake too. I have placed two black dark square bishops. I'll try again later

Hmm - the piece on b6 does look like a 'Bishop' though!! Perhaps a Knight!? The position is not a normal game type position though.