
What strange chess rules can you think up?

Senator-Blutarsky wrote:

you put a blindfold on.

Hmm that's too easy.


Then you have to sing "Spiders from Mars" out loud while contemplating your move.


bishops can hop over any piece on their first move.

for example:



Rule #1: First one to move loses.

Anyone wanna game? I'll play as black.Smile

Senator-Blutarsky wrote:

Then you have to sing "Spiders from Mars" out loud while contemplating your move.

Alright but I must alternate that and "Hot Blooded" between moves, Smile

Dude_3 wrote:
Cryptic-C62 wrote:

Battlenet Rigmarole: Before the game begins, each player names a Pokemon, a drug, or a philosopher, and the other player must guess which category it is from. If you correctly guess your opponent's phrase, you may replace a piece of theirs with a pistachio, which can only move one space backwards. If you guess incorrectly, you must play the entire game without pants or underwear, and you must eat a spoonful of baked beans after each move.


Brilliant :-)

Cryptic-C62 wrote:

Falcon Punch: Once during each game, you may punch your opponent in the nose as hard as you want. If he bleeds on a piece, it is removed from the board. If he gets knocked out, you win the game and his wallet.

Cannibalism: You may remove one of your own pawns that within one square of your knight. The knight then upgrades from a {1,2} leaper to a {3,4} leaper for this turn. 

Conversion chamber: Before the game begins, each player writes down a column letter (A through H), which they do not reveal until necessary. If an opponent's pawn promotes on the column you've chosen, the promoted piece becomes your color, not the opponent's.

If falcon punch was a real rule Muhammad Ali would've been champion by now :)


Falcon punch would be a good rule. Woulda make those drawish finals a lot more interesting. Plus, remember the stories of Short kicking his opponent under the table? That would get a whole new dimension.

There is something similar currently exsisting: chessboxing - alternating rounds of chess and boxing. Look it up, it's real.

My strange rule would be - king can capture queen by jumping like a knight. I mean, trough history, kings could always kil queens (think Henry VIII).


Be allowed to move twice at least once in the game. Both guys get it. But save it for the super special move.


Double king chess: another king replaces queen, capture one, mate the other.

I've found a way to exploit "play position against computer" programming to do it:

Cryptic-C62 wrote:

Battlenet Rigmarole: Before the game begins, each player names a Pokemon, a drug, or a philosopher, and the other player must guess which category it is from. If you correctly guess your opponent's phrase, you may replace a piece of theirs with a pistachio, which can only move one space backwards. If you guess incorrectly, you must play the entire game without pants or underwear, and you must eat a spoonful of baked beans after each move.

What if you're allergic to pistachios?  (otherwise, great plan!)


Or baked beans?


Or good chess players?


Ha ha


What if king could take his own pieces in order to avoid check mate? It does make sense because in a "real" war a king would easily get rid of a pawn, a knight or whatever the piece is in order to get alive. 

With this simple rule game would change without changing any piece movement. 

Also, allowing checked kings to castle would also make stuff harder. Or just allowing castling regardless of ealier movements, as long as both king and tower are in the right position for castling. 


Every 10 minutes, one player has to close his eyes and turn his back to the board while the other player grabs a piece and hides it in one hand. The other player turns back and opens his eyes, and then he has to guess which hand the piece is in and then pick a number between one and ten and then answer the question "What's your favorite color?"  If he says blue, he wins.  


Everytime you move your king, you may poop in your hands.

You have to hold it in ur hands until your opponent also moves his king.

Everytime both of you have moved their king you check who has the most poop in their hands. The winner gets to move a pawn forward freely (but not take a piece with it)

So it's key to not poop everything at once and hope that you win with just a slight amount of poop more so you might also win the second and third king-move contest.


Captures are no longer guaranteed to be successful. In order to see if your attempted capture goes into effect, you and your opponent must play another seperate game of chess with draw and pawn odds to the capturer. The winner of that game gets to keep his piece.

The sub-game is subject to the same capture rule, requiring a sub-sub-game be played. 

There is no sub-sub-sub-game. I mean, come on... that would be just plain silly!


Rules are not suppose to be silly, but goofy is allowed, Smile