
Apprentice seeks Jedi master


Hi and thanks for checking this post!

My name is Ben and I have recently rediscovered Chess. I played as a kid after my Grandma taught me, when she could no longer beat me then grandad took over. Both knew the game to play the layman but neither had any actual knowledge and made moves up as they went along. That is how I have always played. I study after every single move and think through what is best. There has been no set openings or real understanding outside of my natural intuition. I have tried to study chess in the past but with no luck. I struggled to make sense of it and got nowhere every time. I had created a block of some kind. I always enjoy chess but only ever played on the rare occasion I have met a random that likes a game, or for short periods of say a few months with friends when life has seen fit. I have usually been the person to get the upper hand over a few games, but have always been very beatable, again only playing people that know nothing more than how pieces move.

So now I have really discovered a love for the game, realised there are online players, software etc and have taken to playing with gusto. My problem with learning Chess has been confusing with notation and visualising moves as well as never finding a logical starting place to learn and a set way to work towards being better.

Now I am enthused, I do some tactics training most days and when time allows I am trying to study the ruy Lopez and keep playing it in my games. More than anything I am playing a lot of Chess.

I would love to find a better player with a interest in playing me regularly. If we could discuss games, theory etc during games or before and after, that would be magic.

I always believe in learning from playing better competition but I think I would grow mor quickly if that person would converse with me as well as taking me to the cleaners.

I learn quickly and immerse myself in anything that I want to learn and understand. If you would find it interesting or rewarding to play with me then I would be massively appreciative of your advice.

I have no idea of my rating, games with 15 mins each tend to have my rating on here above 1100... Sometimes above 1200 so I really am learning from the early stages, having joined the online Chess community I discovered that I really have been a small fish in a microscopic pond.

Thanks for reading - hope you have a great day!



Challenge incoming.


Great :-)