
Can someone please explain this chess game because I have no idea


Was playing a game against Neeko bot and this happened, I am still trying to wrap my mind around this. (I played black)


You picked strange moves, so you will end up with a crazy and interesting game. 2. g6 and, 3. f5 are clearly unconventional ideas.


f5 is a bad move, you are pushing too many pawns here. Just play dxe4 Qxe4 Nf6, with Bg7 and O-O to follow.


I have honestly no clue what you actually need explained.

Unless you want to know what your error was. Well you pushed pawns. A lot. While you allowed the opponent queen to happily keep attacking.

The normal moves in this situation would have been either 2. ... Nf6 (attacks the queen and the pawn on e4 and protects the pawn on d5, so you gain a pawn) or 2. ... dxe4 (takes the pawn directly, without attacking the queen, after which white would probably play 3. Lc4 and either e6 or g6 is forced to avoid the infamous scholar checkmate).


By the way there is also this infamous game:

Dont remember who did this, but white a high rank player (not one of the big names though) and he actually resigned instead of actually moving the king.




The Scandy is a bad line which I would never recommend to anyone at all.

Best move for white is to take d5 pawn with e4 pawn and gain tempo’s on enemy Queen.

The NEEKO Bot played a Queen move which was bad reply because they had a crushing move exd5.

If white doesn’t take pawn, Black should take it.


As I already explained: Nf6 followed by Nxe4 is stronger. It keeps blacks pawn structure intact, and the pawn is stronger on d5 than on e4.

q-w-e-r-t-y-u-i-o-p wrote:

Was playing a game against Neeko bot and this happened, I am still trying to wrap my mind around this. (I played black)

you had terrible dark squares

Compadre_J wrote:

The Scandy is a bad line which I would never recommend to anyone at all.

Best move for white is to take d5 pawn with e4 pawn and gain tempo’s on enemy Queen.

The NEEKO Bot played a Queen move which was bad reply because they had a crushing move exd5.

If white doesn’t take pawn, Black should take it.

I prefer the Scandinavian Defense because it removes White's pawn on the e-file, leaving White's king less protected, as well as possibly leading to a early game queen trade.


he checkmated you really fast bro.


You allowed White to destroy your pawn structure on the King-side by trying to kick the Queen away or blocking the f-file with an over-extended pawn. Try putting the Knight on f6 followed by Bishop to g4 to chase the Queen away. This gets you ahead in development.

Compadre_J wrote:

The Scandy is a bad line which I would never recommend to anyone at all.

Best move for white is to take d5 pawn with e4 pawn and gain tempo’s on enemy Queen.

The NEEKO Bot played a Queen move which was bad reply because they had a crushing move exd5.

If white doesn’t take pawn, Black should take it.

Funny comment. First of all, what makes you think that anyone cares what you are recommending?

And second, after 2.Qh5, Black's best move is of course 2...Nf6 followed by ...Nxe4 (as per #4) which wins the e4 pawn with gain of time, and without creating a "weak" e4 pawn.

Mazetoskylo wrote:
Compadre_J wrote:

The Scandy is a bad line which I would never recommend to anyone at all.

Best move for white is to take d5 pawn with e4 pawn and gain tempo’s on enemy Queen.

The NEEKO Bot played a Queen move which was bad reply because they had a crushing move exd5.

If white doesn’t take pawn, Black should take it.

Funny comment. First of all, what makes you think that anyone cares what you are recommending?

And second, after 2.Qh5, Black's best move is of course 2...Nf6 followed by ...Nxe4 (as per #4) which wins the e4 pawn with gain of time, and without creating a "weak" e4 pawn.

1 - I believe people do care what I say and what other say as well. It is a chess forum after all.

Listening to what others recommend can help players learn new things or new perspectives on a position.

2 - You say 2…Nf6 is best move, but that is debatable.

I think dxe4 is the best move.


You claim the e4 pawn is “weak”.
I would argue it is a “strength”.


Observe how the e4 pawn is obstructing whites natural development of the Knight!

How can white play Nf3 in this position with a thorn pawn on e4?


Observe the Semi-Opening D File Black has created for themselves in this position.

Do you deny the fact the Black Rooks will become more active vs. White Rooks?

Compadre_J wrote:

The Scandy is a bad line which I would never recommend to anyone at all.

This is pretty rich coming from the guy who recommended the troll "Crab opening" for beginners. (1. a4 followed by 2. h4 or vice versa)


The Crab Opening I created for beginners captures the spirit of Hypermodern school.

The Crab Opening teaches beginners very important Hypermodern fundamentals!


What has the OP learned after playing the Scandy?

Is their anything of value to be gained?


The Scandi is a reasonable opening. The guy obviously didn't lose the game because the Scandi, but because of a couple of horrible blunders.

The Crab is not reasonable. It's not hypermodern, it's just pure nonsense. You lose 2 tempi and weaken your position, you are objectively losing after 2 moves with white.

magipi wrote:

The Crab is not reasonable. It's not hypermodern, it's just pure nonsense. You lose 2 tempi and weaken your position, you are objectively losing after 2 moves with white.

Objectively speaking, there are worse "openings" than the crab, and some kids are thrilled by them because guys like Magnus and Brandon Jacobson are playing them few times in blitz and bullet games.