
Computer Analysis


Please forgive what is probably an over asked question however I've searched the forum and only found really old threads on this. Having used the computer analysis once on here I found it to be really helpful and I am thinking of upgrading my account to take advantage of this and other benefits (I'm new to the site and still finding my way around). In the meanwhile however, I was wondering if there are any good computer engines that will do the same that I can download. I especially like the feature comments here and the +/- positional analysis, whether this is a common feature of them I don't know?

I have spent about the last two hours searching the internet and reading various things but I have not found what I am looking for, or the suggestions are from 2008 etc. I downloaded Arena 3.0 and managed to input at game for an analysis but I couldn't work out how to get the thing to work properly - it also froze the computer!

Any other suggestions would be welcome, thanks.


You shuld first think about what exactly do u need ? Do u expect that analysis give u some verbal information ? like ( "This move was a blander" ) or can u use point evaluation ? Do u need some engine suggested variation for almost every move ? etc. You need to be exact in requrements so that we can see what is your real problem . 

Am not using arena but i have used it before and it worked fine for me . Also i would suggest that self analysis without engine is much , much more usefull . 


Thanks, I just want a general analysis like with system here. I agree that looking through your own games is useful too and I have started to do that, but you can only take that so far and I would like to see the suggestions of a computer engine (that I can work).


I find the computer analysis on this website to be arbitrary and it often suggests a lengthy series of moves that your opponent is expected to follow in order to reach a desired result.  In my last game the analysis flagged as wrong one of my final moves, and suggested a better (?) move that could have checkmated my opponent in 5 more moves.  However, in the actual game, I gave fewer options to my opponent and checkmated in 4.