
Didn't seem to need the queen? Sound trade?



I was pretty sure I could snag the D-knight after the queen/rook-bishop trade...Just overall I'm struggling to topple being confident.  So frustrating to either do well or be squashed by 2100's.  This was just an 1850 on this one, though.


Looks good to me. Why didn't you play 22...Nc6 instead? Doesn't that attack the queen, protect the bishop, and double attack the d4 pawn once that knight moves?


Hmm two kngihts protecting each other to block the d  passed pawn, two bishops to easily assist you in promoting your b rank passed pawn. His triple isolated pawns on f rank and h rank don't even allow him to apply any pressure with the queen.

Sir, I'd say that you smothered him Fischer queen sac style.


+1 for the final move Rc1, if he capped your black bishop it would have been hilarious.


Isn't 28 ... Bxf1 quicker?