
Dutch defense- check it out.


Hello Chess Peeps,

My name is yaKKo911 and I am relatively new to;  this website is awesome! I decided that I am going to focus more of my attention on analyzing my games.  Will the forum lurkers of please teach me the ways of the jedi. I am looking forward to hearing your insights regarding this game. May the force be with you!



I am here to respond to any comments. Please keep the comments informative and refrain from the classic two word comment of good game or whatever.  Thank you; it is important to me that I improve my game those who help me with their insight will be get the favor returned to them if they would like.  

wardexe wrote:

You should never have let his pawn advance to d6.  The correct plan was to ockade it with the knight, depriving his pieces of proper squares.  Ready My system by Nimozowitch

Hi Wardexe, My System is sitting on my book shelf right now.  I may go and give it a read! I believe the pawn advance that you are refering to was 19.e6.  Can you tell me the possible lines that you thought I should have pursued.  How would you blockade it with the knight? 

alexlaw wrote:

good! dutch is an excellent underrated weapon (as long as you don't stonewall it's fine).

Yes Sir! The dutch is an under rated weapon.  The stonewall can also be very strong when white plays Nc3 in the opening preventing c4.  I think in this situation the stonewall is the best form of the dutch defense and gives excellent kingside attacking chances as often blacks heavy and minor  pieces are trapped on the queenside.  This is when ...Ne4 for black is also really strong.  


Pellik, Thank you for your insight.  14...e5 15. d5 maybe next activate the night with 15...Nd7 with plans of maybe ...Nf6 soon.  How would you play the position after 15.d5?  What would be your strategies, your tactical ideas.  Anyone else who sees this post feel free to help analyze this line. 

AnthonyCG wrote:

I might have played 5...d5 because after 5...O-O White can try 6.Bxf6 Bxf6 7.e4. This is usually the hardest Dutch to set up because it's really slow. There is also some dangerous gambit but I don't think any White players will know it.

14...e5 looks good. You can get your knight to c5, double rooks on the f-file, put your bishop on c8 and just attack White.

Also, I loved the Animaniacs.

Hello Anthony, 

So you prefer 5...d5.Correct me if I am wrong but, 5...O-O is played quite often in this position.  Personally I am not a big fan of 5...d5 after c4 from white has been played due to c5 that will usually follow taking away the bishops square on e6 which is where the bishop usually goes in a stonewall.  5...d5 attempts to set up a stonewall but I am not sure if this is the best option at this point.  Black is going to be extremely cramped after c5 and Ne5.  

After 5...O-O 6. Bxf6 Bxf6 7. e4 then black can simply play 7...fxe4 8.Nxe4 Be7 and the position is equal.  Thats what I meant in my game annotation in which I stated that Bg5 looked dangerous but in reality was not much of a threat at all.  By the way, I do think 5...d5 is playable but I am not a huge fan of the game that will arise. I am sure, as I play a lot of dutch defense games, that 5...O-O is probably the strongest move.   5...h6 is also playable making the bishop decide on his path in the game.

Thank you for your insight Andrew.  The animaniacs are awesome!  I would like it if you could research that gambit you had mentioned and maybe post a little information about it.  Also, can you please explain why you would place the knight on c5 regarding the 14...e5 variation. 



That was a really informative post.  Thank you for being an insomniac and spending time on this position.  It seems games are often won or lost in these types of position depending upon how the line is continued.  I looked over the line you mention and it looks legit.  I will store that to memory and hopefully it will manifest itself in one of my games.  

I was checking out your page and couldnt help but notice your insane blitz rating.  That is amazing.  Your thought process works extremely quickly.  It takes me a lot more time to analyze a position.  Hopefully with practice this will improve.

I have another idea in this position that may be of some interest.  Will you let me know what you think of 14...Qf6 attacking.  Skewering d4 and b2.  This move also seems strong.  Maybe stronger than playing a pawn move at all.  What do you think?  You are absolutely right though; since white is down a piece backs options are plentiful.


Nice trap in the end.

TeraHammer wrote:

Nice trap in the end.

Thank you TeraHammer.