
First real otb game


I've never been to a otb tournament so I don't know where my rating stands. I just played a match for my college chess team and I gave them an approximate rating to pair me up(~1500). This rating was just based on the many standard games I usually play where my ranking usually varies between 1500-1600. and a few of my friends who have actual ratings of about 1600 (they beat me usually 3/4  blitz games we play; but I tend to be better at longer rated games).

I was to play a 1491 uscf rated player so I expected a pretty challenging game (60 min game with 5 sec inc.) to be my first real test of where my rating stands.

A few things I noticed about the game:
I controlled the game and in my opinion had better positioning.
Despite this, I was unable to create problems that resulted in a material advantage or any positional advantage that would give me a lead.
All my threats were neutralized.

So my question about this game which I hope you guys can help is:
Where could I have complicated the game more, created offbalances, or transformed the game into a position where he would have to play sharply?
It seemed that I was gaining positional advantage and then falling back into an equal position, how could I convert it to winning?

I was very pleased in this game of my tactical finish, but besides for that the game was very even.

I was pleased by the game but disappointed that if he didn't make that mistake the game would have been even again. What did I overlook in this game?


28....h6 would not work do to bxh6 and on move 11 I would not do bg5 because it trades away my active bishop for no reason.

But anyway, thanks for looking at it


check queen bg5.....  f6?           check king and castle kxf6...gxk....discver the bishop in f6 or h6    and check in g7............if he move the queen after b g5  .....same play   ......knight sacrifice ofcourse but danger for black   you also have the castle can work.  but i am not high rating so take this like a suggestion..........or you could simply bh6   but after bd4 you are stocked and in problem whith the knight..........anyway suerte for the next


i understood zero of that sorry.


talking about your 29 th    move said how toconvert in a winning position   ......bueno  for me  you should attack the  queen and after  maybe  sacrifice the knight  dipend from the move of your opponent......but  if you dont understand  maybe i am talking whith the wrong person......regards and suerte for the next  tournament...........ciao


ok maybe is not clear but at 26 th move you take the pawthe pawn .....better bishopin h6.....opponent can do  g6 or  bishopin d4 or queen in f6..........after this you candecide ......if queen f6   you take the pawn....for the other two option you can think about  but bishop d4  is not usual  and g6 is the most this is more winning position ...because you put the opponenent in a choice a triple choice....and you have the move.........taking the pawn whith the knight obligate the changing of the caste your opponent have the move   like this is not winning position.....and give bish....op in e5  why? regards again  and suerte again


Ya i probably should have castled instead of pushing to d5, will do next time because i seemed to get a lot of criticism for that. My basic reasoning was I didn't want him to  trade off his bad white bishop for my knight after he pins my queen.

Thanks for the analysis lazychess, there were a bunch of helpful combo's you pointed out to me that would increase the pressure on him. 24.Bc3 would have been interesting to play


sorry for my allucination..........again suerte