
Game Analysis (Part 1)


Yesterday I have read the article "Study Plan for Intermediate Players: Bringing it All Together" by webmaster.

I haven't completed Task 1 yet, since it requires completing 20 rated OTB chess tournaments. I already have finished 12 tournaments, but only 5 of them were rated. The 2nd task was about analyzing your own games. I tried analyzing and annotating my games last year when I was still an amateur back them. Few nights ago I decided to read my annotated games and there were several miscalculations which in turn reduced my self-confidence in analyzing them. I tried analyzing an OTB tournament game once but it seemed to me that I wasn't doing it right. I saw blunders, better moves that might have been played during the game, I learned my mistakes but I haven't been able to apply them in my current games. That's why I moved into Task 3 where I have to publish my analyzed games here as a public forum to ask others for their feedbacks and opinions. This isn't the first time I posted a forum here but I'm still working on posting a chess game.

Here's a game that I played this morning:

I hope you find it interesting. Please share your comments if you found mistakes of my analysis, miscalculations, the things I have missed and/or any other comments you might have to offer.

See annotations.

White has a few possible plans.

1. Pawn storm. Push pawns to control the center and make threats as they move down the board.

2. Make threats to induce weaknesses. By adding pressure to weak spots, black will have to weaken his pawn structure to avoid material loss. From there, white can take advantage of such weaknesses.

3. Prophylaxis. Cut off black's options. f3 was a poor choice, since black still had several other options for counterplay.

Can you find the combination that incorporates all these ideas?



At move 10 ("I don't have a plan, maybe because I don't know what to look for"), I would definitely play 10. e5. The plan is to break the center before he can castle, thereby exposing his king. All your pieces are out, so it should be quite easy. Probably Black is already lost at this point.


The rest of my annoations. I originally created everything in one elaborate post, but the stupid computer ate it all. Anyhow, enjoy:


Thank you so much Nachtwulf and keju! Your comments were indeed very helpful. I've been waiting for hours for someone to comment on this post.

keju thanks for the comment! I now know what I should have looked for. My other problem is that this isn't the only game situation where this position arises. At move 10, the position was winning for White but in my other games where the game was equal, coming up with a plan is muh harder. My thinking process is to play good moves even though I don't have a plan, unlike others who knows when and where to attack. Anyway, thank you again for the comment and I hope in the future you can still post your feedbacks about different games I will post. You made it clear to me in this game and I hope you can spare some time posting a comment on my other games I will be sharing here.

Nachtwulf I appreciate your efforts posting long but meaningful comments that made it clear to me throughout the game. Though I had more that three attempts to solve the puzzle you posted it was very helpful. You also managed to annotate my game spotting my mistakes. There's just this (33. Qxa5 Rxf8 34. Qx7#) in your last post wherein Black can play 33. ... Rxc2# if White plays 33. Qxa5. Anyway thanks a lot and I am looking forward for your helpful comments in the games I will be posting here in the future.

I thought Task 3 in "Study Plan for Intermediate Players: Bringing it All Together" would be a failure to me but it sure helped me a lot.


Sure thing Haded, good luck with your progress. Breaking the center when the opponent is slow to castle is quite useful to remember because this situation is quite common. You are right it is harder to find a clear idea in more balanced situations.


Ah, I missed that tactic. 33. Rxd8 does the trick, though! Your game was fun to go through, and I enjoyed annotating it. As for plans, I've found that reading Pachman's Complete Chess Strategy helps quite a bit, or simply watching youtube videos by Kingscrusher (CM Tryfon Gavriel) where he explains his thoughts and strategies as he plays 5 to 15 minute games.


Thanks again keju and Nachtwulf!

paulgottlieb I wish I could annotate my games like you did. You saw all my flaws throughout the game and made it clear to me! How did you do that? I'm terrible at annotating games, calculating tactics, finding best moves even with my own games. Thanks a lot!


Thanks paulgottlieb! I'll try it in my tournament games.