
Game: Meniscus vs. Fritz The Ninja at NAO


    As my fellow assassins well know by now, hypermodern chess *is* stealth on the chessboard. It's the fianchettoed bishop(s), in my opinion, that specifically play(s) the role of 'Ninja(s)' in your army. Here's a game in which mistakes of my oppenent allowed the Ninja to come out in full force.

     It's the last round of the North American Open in Las Vegas, NV, 2007. I have just lost my first game (in the 6th round to the tournament winner, Jesse Turner I believe). If I can win the last round with black, I have a shot at second place. I walk to see my pairings. Cooper vs. Fritz. Luckily, his first name was Robert, not Intel Dual Core Whatever. :) I chose the benko gambit with black, enjoy. Make sure to open the move list.


A superbly played game


Thanks. That game was worth 2800 bucks from CCA!


nice game liked it alot

kungfoodchef wrote:

nice game liked it alot



Thats was an amazing game! I have to play u one day lol

ShinoAburame wrote:

Thats was an amazing game! I have to play u one day lol

Thx shino. any time. the win just challenged me


sweet game. congrats :-)

dpruess wrote:

sweet game. congrats :-)



im wondering why white didnt play kg2?

slow_n_steady wrote:

im wondering why white didnt play kg2?

which position? Kg2 instead of Kh1 is better, but it's still a light square: I play ...Bh3+! and Qxb8 after K captures B.

If you meant the final position, after Kg2, Bxf3 check (desparado tactic) followed by ...Qxb8,  snapping off more material.


Check out part 2:


sweet sweet game dude! is that kind of a trap in the benko gambit???

answer it in a private comment or message as i prob wont read this thread anytime!please


I just made a few corrections to the analysis. after 4.b3 you should play bxc4 followed by d6 and if Bb2 then you can play Nbd7 and hold the dark square structure intact. Not that allowing Bxf6 is bad, but I prefer to avoid it, as does Mr. Burnett. For those that want to see all 3 games in this tournament that I published, the links are in my blog, "Palindrome". Thanks for the comments and suggestions.


I just played another minature against the b3 benko for anyone interested


Awww hell yea! That game is an inspiration to me and all those who have to play against the boring 4.b3??

ericmittens wrote:

Awww hell yea! That game is an inspiration to me and all those who have to play against the boring 4.b3??

Thanks man. I have quite a few games of myself vs b3 in my scoresheet notebook. the immidiate bxc4 d6 and Nbd7 are the way to go, to avoid Bxf6 doubling your pawns. Also if white, one should play Bb2-c3 as a precaution!


I will definitely use that move order from now on. Up until now I've just been playing g6 straight away vs. b3.