
How to read Scid vs Pc analysis


I downloaded scid vs pc as it is recommended by many on the forum.

my problem is i find the analysis very hard to read or understand.

it is unlike the analysis from chess.coms computer which i understand.

in scid vs pcs analysis the moves ae not listed in chronological order e.g. 1 2 3

instead the moves are listed like this 1 1 1 1 1. eventually it changes to 2 but the same thing happens.

the analysis doesnt acurately show my moves in the game either.

thanks for any help


Can you put some of it in here so we can look at it?


I don't know Scid.... Da-Waaagh is right, maybe put up some output we can look at together.

Meanwhile, I would be on the lookout on Ebay & Co. after some older version of Fritz or Chessbase. If chess is really what you like, I think it is worthwhile to invest a little bit in the right tools.

I have Chessbase, but I can also recommend Shredder 12. On a good computer, the engine is some 3000 ELO strong (however not the strongest anymore), and the GUI is very easy to use. The analysis function is very well implemented. The graphics are a bit outdated - not bad - but not as hi-res and slick as say CB12.

By the way the commonly used UCI interface for chess programs was actually developed by the programmer of Shredder.

If you can find a used version of Shredder, you should not be disappointed. 


Isn't Shredder just an Engine? What databases does it come with?


To explain about me; I use Chessbase and Fritz and am not familiar with other programs, so I'm just asking.


ill post up here later tonight. havent time now. thanks or posting



Shredder is a full package, like Fritz (which I don't own). So it comes with its own UCI-conform "Shredder" engine (available in 32-bit and 64-bit), and also it's own GUI interface. As I said, the interface is graphically not so slick as Fritz or CB because slightly dated, but very easy to operate and get used to. 

The good thing about Shredder splitting its engine from the GUI is that you can run (for example) Houdini engine (or any other UCI conform engine) with the Shredder GUI front-end.  Or use/incorporate the Shredder UCI engine in Fritz or CB GUI (or use it as a second engine).

I would think that Shredder and Fritz are very much covering the same ground. For example Shredder you can play directly against the engine. I do like to do that at times, put up a position and play it for training (endgames particularly), whereby Shredder conveniently allows the user to set it's playing strength to an ELO value of your choice.

At full strength, it should beat even the best GM's. I tested Shredder engine a little bit myself. E.g. it handily beats computer opponent on "expert" level playing white or black side, so more than sufficient for us... Innocent

Unlike CB which is strictly "just" a fancy database and analyzing tool, but good in its own right.


I've just looked up the price - which appears to be 100 Euros. That's too much for me since I already have Chessbase and Fritz.


Totally agree. If you have Fritz AND CB already, you definitely do not need Shredder on top of that! Smile

While I don't know Fritz up-close, I doubt there is anything in Shredder that you cannot do in Fritz or the other way round.


i cant copy the analysis from inside scid.

however i realised that its analyzing and giving results for each move. i thought it was giving the analysis of the whole game like chess.coms analysis


For googlers: Scid can analyze the whole game, in the analysis window click the annotate button (notepad and pen) read all the options and choose what you want then press ok


but in scid it's very important to install a better chess engine, than the shitty default one called scidlet! If you are linux based try stockfish and crafty! (you can use multiple chess engines in scid) The functions available in scid also depend on the chess engine. May be scidlet doesn't support the analyze function. With stockfish it works. You just put in a pgn game and do what the comment above me says. (there is also a useful butten where you can increase the number of variations being checked, which is very useful. You find these button when you press f2 at the bottom the box)


Following on from using the "Annotate" button on the engine analysis tab.

Check the "Add Variations" section, the option "All moves" may be selected, in which case literlly all moves will have variations added. The option "When move is not the best" can also add a large number of variations.

Personally I use the option "When move is a blunder" and set the first option "Blunder Threshold" to "0.7" this way fewer variations are added and I can see the moves that effected the outcome of the game.