
My fourth chessgame - why did my opponent resign?


Hello. As described in a previous topic, I just recently started playing chess. Here is my fourth game with some commentary, for what its worth.

And, as in the previous thread that I failed to get any replies to, I have a few questions:

1. How am I compared to the average beginner?
2. Which websites/lessons/books do you recommend? 


Looks like the pawn advantage, and your well placed pieces + pawns appeared to your opponent to be futile for him to continue.


The position is hopeless for white. You have better activity, the king safety is in top (white has no way to exploit the weak dark squares since the king defends them well).

You could blunder (sacrifice) a piece and have compensation


Thanks for the positive criticism! Do you have any comments as to what I could've done better? How am I compared to the average beginner?


Instead of playing on the queenside, 14... f5! seems strong. You make a pawn move which takes space on the kingside, making a strong attack. With the same idea, 8.. f5!? seems interesting, but probably premature.

I'm an endgame freak, and would prefer 18... Qxd2, followed by Rfb8 with a superior endgame as long the queenside doesn't become blocked. Doubling on the b-file and with a timed bxc3, white would be in trouble. You move was probably just as good, or maybe even objectivly better.

21... Qxb4!? would create a weak pawn on b2, together with some pressur on e4. Of course winning the e4 pawn is probably better, but I like to torture my opponents in positional won positions.

Rest of the moves were strong, you completely outplayed your opponent. Maybe f5 instead of being materialistic with Bd3? Or Rfa8


Thanks a lot. On second thought, I'd also prefer 14...f5! I was afraid of opening up my kingside too much, which I think is quite normal for beginners.


If you look at it, it's hard to even suggest a move for your opponent. Ra6 looks okay, until you realize that Be2 pretty much refutes that on the spot. How can he continue to put pressure on you, or stop your pawn, or keep all his material?

I agree with you that at that level, he should probably play on as you could very easily be about to blunder a whole rook or more, but on the other hand, you played a good game and didn't give up any material this far, why would he think you'll start now? 

The real answer though was he didn't think it was worth his time to play on. He was that convinced that you'd win, and that he wouldn't get anything out of it. 

7...Bd7 is fine. Bb5 would also be okay I think as it restrains the immediate c4 and encourages him to put his knight on d2 to play c4, instead of allowing c4 and Nc3. Looking at the game though, all that knight on c3 ever did was go to e2 and back twice. Bb5 looks like a good move as it delays his castling, but with a locked center, you'll never get an attack going in time to take advantage of it before he kicks you out with a protected c4 advance. I don't think it's a big deal either way--Bd7 is simple and solid, but be aware it does remove a defender (your queen) of your d6 pawn, and once you played Bg6, that pawn is undefended. 11. Nb5 could have forced you to give up your bishop pair, or make some other move you'd rather not have to. Not the end of the world, just something to consider.

You're correct on 12...Bxh6 being at least unnecessary, at worst a bad move. No need to help him bring a queen to an uncomfortable (for you) square.

You play much better than the typical beginner. Keep on not dropping material and you'll go far.


Thanks a lot! Yes, I have noticed that the trick is, at least at my current level - not to drop material. In my fifth game, I fell victim to a double attack, losing me a rook and the game. Doing tasks on ChessTempo seems to make me more aware of those kind of things, though.


Here's a secret. The trick for another 500 rating points (maybe more!) is not to drop material. 


This i m typing only after seeing 5 moves, because i think your opponent should have played d5 instead Bb5.

the main point of an early c5 is to undermine white's d-pawn. so letting him play d5 and a chance of establishing a strong center is bad. 

The structure would have become like King's indian but not in the way which is good for black. the black N is on the wrong square. the white bishop has full on mobility. u have no developement. i would be very happy if i could defend that position to get a playable endgame.


The point of his resigning is your next move, b3. After b3, u can take all the time in the world and place your pieces as you want and push the pawn to win.u even control the queening square with your bishop. He'll be down a piece atleast and you will have an easy win.


B4 bonden din går etter all sannsynlighet inn iløpet av partiet. Som nevnt ovenfor er det svært få trekk hvitt i det hele tatt kan gjøre så jeg forstår godt hvorfor han resigner. Jeg synes først og fremst du gjør ett godt parti så kudos til deg:) For å svare på spm nr 2: Modern chess sacrifices er en dødsbra bok om når man bør og ikke bør ofre offiserer for å bedre posisjon. Ellers så anbefaler jeg å prakke åpninger i spesielt sort, men også hvitt så klart:) Endgames er også veldig nyttig å studere her inne. Gjør også tactics og chessmentor, det har hjulpet meg mye. Lykke til med sjakken videre:) Mvh KRTG


pawn at b4 is well placed. It's now called a "baby queen".


try ct-art 3.0 or ct-art 4.0 application.


This is your 4th game?! Really good job.


you allowed Bh6, don't. Theory suggest never to do that. And in the Alapin 2.d5 is suggested by theory.


@Stormstout, thanks!

@warrior689, could you send me some links that elaborates on this?


i cant give u a link, but it is god to remember that always keep your bishop in that type of situaion. your opening seemed a little strange to me to.


Well, your pieces are doing a fantastic job and you have a deadly passed pawn.


b3 followed by Rh2 and your opponent is dead