
My Games explorer doesn't show all my games


I've looked at past forum posts and this issue has been happening since at least 2013 but I can't find a resolution so I'm trying my own post here.

I just upgraded to premium so I could go more than 8 moves or however deep the my games database allows you to go on free However, after doing that I noticed that there were far fewer games in the database than I have played, to a more drastic extent than I have found on other forum posts.

In my stats page, says I have played 326 games, of which 168 are rapid. (the home page says I've played 165 rapid games, but when I go to completed games there are 168 there so not sure what's up there either). However, when filtering by all games my database only shows 156 games, and when filtering by rapid it only shows 98 games.

The issue isn't that only pre-analyzed games show up in the database, because it has 98 rapid games but I've only ever analyzed 53. It's not that I need to clear my cache, because I did that. says any game with standard rules, over 15 ply (29 ply if ended by timeout), and played against a human will be in the database. I have played like 3 games of chess 960, I have no saved games against bots, and I can't find a single game of mine that's under 15 ply. The issue isn't what browser you play on, because I play on my phone and my computer and games from both do and don't show up.

A game I just played and analyzed, 44 moves long, that the my games explorer doesn't show after move 4:

The game I became a 1000, played and analyzed in August, 28 moves long, that the my games explorer doesn't show after move 3:

A 13 moved game from 11 days ago that my wifi crashed in the middle of and that I never analyzed that IS IN MY EXPLORER:

There is literally no common link between what games show up and what ones don't. I played the move order of the Italian Game as white in the database and it said I had 11 rapid games played. I went into the completed games part of stats and put in the option for Italian Game as white and it showed 18 games. When I filter by all game types the explorer says 16 Italian Games as white but going into my stats it shows 41 games as white (and adds 22 more games when I put Italian as black or white, but the database only has 10 games of me playing the Italian as black).

In 2013 apparently they had just implemented the searchable database and were having issues with the data migration, but you'd think the issue would be resolved by now. I can't for the life of me find a link between the games that don't show up and since I paid for the luxury of looking back at my own games you'd hope that it would at least work. Any potential fixes would be much appreciated.


A mystery.

For Game Explorer, I've read that they don't include games shorter than 5 0 or games of less than 4 moves.

That would eliminate all 41 bullet games.

Your blitz appear to be all 5 0 and 5 5, so they should be included.

So, as far as I can see, your number should be close to 279.

You'd have to remove games shorter than four moves but I've looked and only saw a handful.

I would write to . If they get it to the right person, they might figure it out.

/ I don't think they look at "analyzed games" at all.  The Games Explorer far predates the accuracy calculations.

// I notice that when I search the Games Explorer for your games, I get 23 games showing when searching for bullet games.  As far as I know, they should not be included.