
Need Analyzer!


Hey chess dot com-ers, I (we, the group "The Optimum") are in need of an analyzer for the group, The Optimum. Now, requirments...

1. Must be rated >1800

2. Must be willing to participate actvely in the group (don't worry, there's a lot to participate in)

3. Must be able to analyze AT LEAST one game a day

This is what its gonna be: players will post many games, maybe about 5 in a day. You must work quickly to get them analyzed, Or else they will build up.


The Group: this group is not any average group, its a super-group. I know many people sya that, but trust me, this thing is mind-blowing. Ever heard of group lotteries, raffles? Wager games? A very unique point system? Group description below.

Welcome to Optimum, stronghold of the selected few that have been admitted into its ranks. Those that have been chosen are expected to be trustworthy and ethical. Any who deviate from this one, crucial rule are then no longer seen as an Optimum, but one who is against it. We are up to the challenge of any withstanding obstacles. Good luck to those who face us in the midst of battle - Optimum will hold its ground! ♖♘♗♕♔♗♘♖

We have a diverse amount of interesting activities...

The Optimum


Comment or message me if you want to be an active analyzer.


Well okay, I'll ask the perfectly obvious:  if you're all so superduper, what the heck do you need an analyzer for?

AndyClifton wrote:

Well okay, I'll ask the perfectly obvious:  if you're all so superduper, what the heck do you need an analyzer for?


Because we wanna be even super-duper-er, We have everything, raffles, lottereies, all the good stuff, very original stuff, and we used to offer a service, analyzing. Post a game, get analysis. We had a pretty good analyzer, but he just got too busy to analyze so many games.

Summary: We want to offer more services.

 P.S. We are getting many new features/activities soon