
positional chess is stupid

magipi wrote:
angelarbatty wrote:

It's okay to have preferences when it comes to hobbies and interests! While positional chess might not appeal to everyone, it can be a fascinating and strategic game for those who enjoy it. Some people appreciate the depth and complexity of positional chess, where players focus on long-term planning, maneuvering pieces for strategic advantage resultados del tris, and controlling key squares rather than solely relying on tactical combinations. However, if positional chess isn't your cup of tea, there are plenty of other activities and games out there to explore that better suit your interests and preferences.

This is the most pathetic bad spambot I've ever seen. Wow.

Magipie, if you insult someone, at least give a reason.

For example, I think you're a j$%rk because I've seen a lot of your posts before. You see? I gave a reason.


He’s not wrong though. That paragraph was completely AI generated as should be blatantly obvious.


Chess is BS anyways. you either play as a kid or were born with pattern recognition. most of us have neither.


I find it very odd that the original poster of this topic hasn't engaged in the discussion in two weeks. Without feedback from him this discussion will either get silly or just die out.


SKill Issue


OP has closed the account.


He's the stupid one.

Azuresretrogambit wrote:

Chess is BS anyways. you either play as a kid or were born with pattern recognition. most of us have neither.

Somewhat true except for the "BS" part.

JamesColeman wrote:

He’s not wrong though. That paragraph was completely AI generated as should be blatantly obvious.

I don't know why it should be obvious (maybe because I don't use AI), but contrary to many posts here it actually makes perfect sense. It is actually depressing that AI shows more decency, sensitivity and wisdom than many humans.


It doesn't it just has better grammar and gives that allusion because of it my friend actually created fake bots or some of his friends personalities online

The bot had a major attitude problem that my friends didn't have

BigChessplayer665 wrote:

It doesn't it just has better grammar and gives that allusion because of it my friend actually created fake bots or some of his friends personalities online

The bot had a major attitude problem that my friends didn't have

The use of AI bots pretending to be human in social chat forums can be sinister if used by paedophiles to groom young teens. How can this be prevented?


Chess is just stupid in general. bunch of high rated players acting like cheerleaders knowing damn well theres a high chance of no improvment.


Sussybaka your positional chess play is really great for that 827 rating. Congrats man. Just keep trying, you're going to get better really soon.


I think you played a great game , but Qa8 was a single move blunder of a checkmate , chess unfortunately is a game of who makes the last mistake You are a strong player though , keep going and you'll get better with every game!