
Reasons for resignation


I was playing a game against a pal higher rated than me in blitz, I wonder if there is a strong reason in the ending position in order to resign, I do feel my position may be winning but I had 1:30 in the clock while he has more than 3:00, so still he could have tried to win unless there is some tactic around...


and is it possible 21...RxP?


Wouldnt it be easier to ask him why he resigned as hes a pal.  Asking any of us only will get you a guess on our part...


maybe not


Yes, its possible but youd lose a rook...

knightspawn5 wrote:

Wouldnt it be easier to ask him why he resigned as hes a pal.  Asking any of us only will get you a guess on our part...

no, it is not a friend, just a guy I played against, pal is a kind way of speeching (well, maybe not, I think in Spanish and then translate to English), I know English speakers talk different

knightspawn5 wrote:

Yes, its possible but youd lose a rook...



Maybe his girlfriend called?


Well, hre are a few reasons then,

He saw you had a winning position, he had to go somewhere and resigned, he didnt want to finish the game, he resigned.  I can go on, but whats the use in guessing.  You may never know the reason why he resigned...


At a guess - if White does anything to defuse the coming fork (22... Ng3+), then follows 22... Nxd4 23.Rxd4 Qa2!, and White cannot prevent mate, as the second R is also waiting to swing into action on g8 if the first one has to be sacced.

Edit - you´ve also got the possibility of 22... e3 followed by Qe4, which is even nastier.


His mom was probably yelling at him to shut off that contraption and come eat his supper.


No we played 2 games, first I lost and then I won this after his resignation, he asked me immediately for a rematch, so it was not his mommy calling him, but I don't know why he thought the game was lost, many people continue playing even with a queen down, and this position is still double edge plus the time factor...

could anyone with an engine give me an evaluation and possible continuations?


please, nobody out there with an engine? I just can submit once per week and I have already done it...


cause he just re a lised that he was playing Pedro, yo!Please be relevant, helpful & nice!