
Solid Tactic?


Just played this blitz game and executed what I believe to be a solid tactic, yet somehow I feel white can somehow get out of it but I don't see where. I simply want to know if this was a solid tactic, or I just got lucky. Comment on the rest of the game if you want, its late, so it sucks...not that I do better during the day...but yeah...


It is a forced win for black. I looked at it myself then checked with Rybka - mate in 14.Well played!!


White fell for the trap in what we call in chess a "transitional mate" which is made a kind of mate which is an avoidable mate you while your opponent builds for a devastating attack.

How about the king move to b2 which would bring queen to h6 or your opponent would be greedy to take the rook on c1 which he would not do if he was a good chess player. Now the Knight on c3 takes out the pawn on e4. Black retaliates by taking out the knight on e4. Now take the bastard with your rook on Rxh1. Now even if the queen try to flank you from h file it is impossible as she will not be supported on h1 square which is defended by your rook.


nice mate.