
Stopping calculation mid-line


I recently got the following position in a tournament game: r2kr3/pppb1pp1/5nnp/8/4P2B/2PB1N2/P1P3PP/2KR3R w - - 1 14 In the game, I failed to play the winning move 1. e5!! (I have not checked this move with the engine yet, but I am 90% sure that it works. The forcing line I found during analysis was 1...Nxh4 2. exf6 Nxf3 3. gxf3 g6 4. Bc4 Rf8 Rhe1 and white is completely winning (I think) However, during my calculation during the game I stopped calculating after 3. gxf3 and therefore did not play the winning move. Is this a problem of not knowing when to keep calculating, or not being able to see the board well enough to see that white can win from that position, or something else? For context, I am about 1800 USCF


maybe it is if you trust yourself or not or by feeling

handldk wrote:

maybe it is if you trust yourself or not or by feeling

I definitely trust myself when I see something concrete


Well you should always look for checks captures and attacks. That is how you might find really cool moves.

CR7isGoated2011 wrote:

Well you should always look for checks captures and attacks. That is how you might find really cool moves.

Are you trying to be funny?




what are you yapping?


I've had similar things happen when reviewing my own games. Sometimes it shows up where I'm on the right line, but near the end of it I miss a better option. Things like, I see a line that I calculate wins me a rook, but at the point where I could take the rook I also could deliver mate (or there's a mate in 2 type thing). However, having set down the road where I've see the material win I just autopilot to that point. Or, more like you describe, I start calculating what turns out to be a winning line but notice something like "oh, that just hangs my knight" and stop there, except there's mate on my next move if they take the knight, and if they don't I'm up a piece (or have a mate utilizing the knight, etc).

I guess there's just a tendency one has to practice overcoming to short-circuit their calculations at the point of first good/bad option. I suppose the good news is that one is at least finding the right starting move to the line, so then it becomes a matter of checking a bit beyond the point you first think you know what the answer is.


dang you wrote alot

CR7isGoated2011 wrote:

what are you yapping?

I should be telling you to look for checks captures and threats after what happened to you on Saturday.




the position if antyone was interested


I just checked it with the engine, It doesn't actually work

Inaccurate_move wrote:
CR7isGoated2011 wrote:

what are you yapping?

I should be telling you to look for checks captures and threats after what happened to you on Saturday.

I just got a little out of hand




I wasnt playing well