
Traxler counter attack!


I have played the traxler counter attack three times and have been lucky enough to win all 3.  I'm sure there are inaccuracies and blunders by both white and black but  this game was fun. Shortly I'll post another game where white attacked black king with bishop.  This is my first attempt to post a game so hope it works!


This game is by no means a masterpiece, but was very entertaining to play. I am not a traxlers expert and really doubt my responses were any of the main lines.


That's a gutsy line to play. Either gutsy or insane, not sure which :-)


I love the Traxler.  I'm still not sure whether it's sound or not, esp. after Bxf7+, but it's always fun to play. I played a 5/0 game last evening. My opponent wasn't the strongest and missed some things, but I think the game shows why White has to be careful.


Metastable - it is crazy and initially counter-intuitive..but it tends to make for an exciting game.  About two months ago I spent about an hour studying it, and one day later had an opportunity to play it and chickened out.  I lost that game, which served me right.

Great game batgirl! I've read about the traxler in your blog!


I played match in it my opponent defend by traxeler I win :D