
We need more amateurs to post their annotated games.


Ok. I have included this game, mainly for the endgame. I kept trading one advantage for another, and I never allowed my opponent counterplay once the Knight v Bishop endgame was reached. 3 key moves allowed me to finally convert my advantage into a bigger advantage, and I have marked them.

Time control was 3d/m

PortlandPatzer wrote:

Took a look at this game and yes MSC, Black has a winning position by attacking the pawn line on the Queen side and neglecting to capture the d6 pawn since it covers the White King's only route to infiltrate the pawns to promote the f5 pawn. As long as Black steps on the d file on an odd numbered rank (d3 or d5), he can pick up the win after liquidating the a3 and b4 pawns, promoting either the d7 pawn or the h5 pawn, though it will take some sharp ending play as White can stop all progress if the Black King goes to d4 or d6 before the pawns are removed from the a and b files. Good job spotting the possible win there as i thought it was a draw as well at first.

Actually, I spent the weekend looking over the ending again in my game and the only thing that helps Black in this position is to not capture the d6 pawn, go to b6 with the King and begin running the a pawn forward. unfortunately, White can either capture with the a pawn on axb4 by Black or should Black play simply a4, White can still get the opposition in the middle of the board and Black is forced to take the pawn on d6, giving opposition in a zugwang situation. Then, the triangulation manuever is still available to White, especially once the pawn gets to d5, whether by movng there immediately or with the waiting move of d6 prior. Either way, White can barricade the d pawn at d4, the only square open to Black to convert a winning ending for his extra pawn. Black's last opportunity to win the position came at move 41 with 41... Kc6!! where any Rook move by White loses for him. 41... Rd4+!? just simplifies and throws away all advantage Black had here. Still this was a fantastic game.


An interesting rapid game in the KID.



What struck me as interesting in this was that your set up did not go for trying to work for a sacrifice on h5 to open the position up. What i mean is there are some Saemisch Variation lines where Black sacrifices a Knight for 2 pawns on h5, allowing for a steamrolling type attack. i thought that might be where you were headed towards once you got the f7-f5-f4 advance in. Nice play though even if you did miss the Knight fork. Rapid can be brutal sometimes.


So now it is back to 10 min games for a bit. Here was a fun one that I had the premove feature on by accident.


Based on what i saw later, i actually started in an inferior position up until Black plays Nge7 at which point the 0-0 move actually brings me into at least equal if not slightly superior in the position as well.


Another 10|5 game, I played white! :)

Any comments? :)

Got a bit of an advantage in the opening but felt like I crowded my pieces a bit and then let it slip. Not sure if the errors were in my thought process, move selection or if it was just a game without spark...

Not too bad Scott. I like the ideas behind your moves though I would have to agree on the Qe7 move prior even though first glance looks to be that putting the King away is wiser. The tactical play was a bit slower than I would have expected with the minor pieces on the board but still was a great game to look at, especially drawing as Black here.


Thanks. Drawing as black isn't too bad, but if you can't really see your mistakes it's a bit of a concern still.


Here is an interesting Blitz game: G/10

MSC157 wrote:

Another 10|5 game, I played white! :)


Any comments? :)

And the link ;) 


Correspondence game 3 dy/move:

MSC157 wrote:
MSC157 wrote:

Another 10|5 game, I played white! :)


Any comments? :)

And the link ;) 

c4 followed by Nc5 seems to give Black some good play here. Curious as to why he did not play this since this is a common theme in the Spanish.

Nice play though.


Here is a game where my opponent fails to fully grasp the power of the pawn advance in play. G/10


Here is an example of why you never want to take the e5 pawn in the Philidor Defense. G/10


nice game ! I haven't been here for a while, but as I can see, you play well vengence. I think his blunder was Kxf6, where gxf6 was not as losing. I can see black had some chances to play on either wing, as the pawns can be set on dark squares and the knight may have some opportunities in the future.

after 9... Nc6, I was thinking of a dominant knight on d5, and dead bishop on d6. So what I can suggest for a plan is :

1. remove the 2 knights with bishops.

2. securing the d5 outpost, so maybe I try to eliminate or move the c pawn away.

3. maybe 10.Bg5 with Nd5 to follow seems strong enough


I didn't check with engine, but that's an outline of what I think might work.

tell me what you think you do.


Why did you play 5.gx43, vengeance? Qxg3 makes for a comfortable game. 


The 5... dxe5 move by Black is a mistake. Play normally continues in the line with 5... Nc6 of 5... Nbd7.

5. gxf3 is played instead of 5. Qxf3 in order to hold the e5 pawn since on 5. Qxf3 dxe5 6. Nc3 Nf6 with equality.


Maybe equality with 6.Nc3, PorlandPatzer, but 6.Bc4 followed by Qb3 leads to an advantage for white I believe. Fischer's comments in the game I posted above would support this view.