
What would you play in this position and why?


1. Rxe4

2. Bd5

3. d3

4. Other

5. Doesn't matter, 1-3 have equal difficulty/simplicity.

FEN: r1b1k2r/2pp1ppp/3b1n2/8/2BpqP2/8/PP1P2PP/RNBQR1K1 b kq - 0 13


I updated the position.


IMHO, looking at your position from an endgame POV (which would appear to be eminent), I believe that your better option might be to advance the d4 pawn to d5 to take the Queen bc you if you take with the rook, you not only lose your rook to his knight, but he advances his attack on your king by simply taking you back... while advancing the pawn to take affords you the possibility that he chooses some alternate counter, which you then take with pawn while simultaneously allowing you bishop guard the hanging kingside g4 pawn under threat and open a lane to activate your bishop to further advance your own attack.

TristanChess121 wrote:

I would do rook takes e4. knight takes your rook and then take their knight with your d3 pawn. Hope this helped.

(EDIT) do pawn takes queen first then if he takes the pawn use your rook to take the knight.

Learning chess notation takes 10 minutes, and it's very very much worth it.

magipi wrote:
TristanChess121 wrote:

I would do rook takes e4. knight takes your rook and then take their knight with your d3 pawn. Hope this helped.

(EDIT) do pawn takes queen first then if he takes the pawn use your rook to take the knight.

Learning chess notation takes 10 minutes, and it's very very much worth it.

Don't be so hard on him. I put in the wrong FEN before he replied. But The_Man_Who_Fell_To_Earth mentioned d4 after the correction. Maybe he is still "d" planing.

HaventSeenAllMoves wrote:
magipi wrote:
TristanChess121 wrote:

I would do rook takes e4. knight takes your rook and then take their knight with your d3 pawn. Hope this helped.

(EDIT) do pawn takes queen first then if he takes the pawn use your rook to take the knight.

Learning chess notation takes 10 minutes, and it's very very much worth it.

Don't be so hard on him. I put in the wrong FEN before he replied. But The_Man_Who_Fell_To_Earth mentioned d4 after the correction. Maybe he is still "d" planing.

This wasn"t what I meant, I did not even notice that he talked about the wrong position. I was talking about the "do pawn takes queen first then if he takes the pawn use your rook to take the knight" stuff - thjs just hurts my eyes. Why talk like this when we have a nice clear notation?

magipi wrote:
HaventSeenAllMoves wrote:
magipi wrote:
TristanChess121 wrote:

I would do rook takes e4. knight takes your rook and then take their knight with your d3 pawn. Hope this helped.

(EDIT) do pawn takes queen first then if he takes the pawn use your rook to take the knight.

Learning chess notation takes 10 minutes, and it's very very much worth it.

Don't be so hard on him. I put in the wrong FEN before he replied. But The_Man_Who_Fell_To_Earth mentioned d4 after the correction. Maybe he is still "d" planing.

This wasn"t what I meant, I did not even notice that he talked about the wrong position. I was talking about the "do pawn takes queen first then if he takes the pawn use your rook to take the knight" stuff - thjs just hurts my eyes. Why talk like this when we have a nice clear notation?

I prefer bishop "TAKES" c6 to bishop to c6 which many GM commentators use. That's fine for them, but if you are under 1500 I don't see it bad to talk out the moves in detail. If this were a study in writing notation down on a scorecard, I would agree. Use the notation, but that is exactly what the GM commentators are NOT doing. So, we write "x", but we speak it as silent when commentating, and when we discuss it on chess forums we bring it back?


I like all, but d3 is prob better as it puts pressure on the pinned peice with a pawn.

HaventSeenAllMoves wrote:

I prefer bishop "TAKES" c6 to bishop to c6 which many GM commentators use.

I don't think any GM commentator ever does this, you must have misunderstood something.


In this clip, it wasn't a GM, but I have heard GMs do this too. Go to 10:40 and he will say Qc6 when he means "Queen takes c6". He says it multiple times in fact.

FEN: r4rk1/5p1p/1nB1pp2/1Q6/2q5/6P1/5P1P/3RR1K1 w q - 0 1


I accidentally typed Qb6 and now chessDOTcom is filtering my posts thinking it is spam, just because I want to correct myself.


The youtube video is at h*t*t*p*s*:*/*/*w*w*w*.*y*o*u*t*u*b*e*.*c*o*m*/watch?v=0do2iati2T0

Remove the * and go to 10:40


I think Bd5 is objectively the best. You'll win a queen for a bishop unless they take on e1; you take back with check and then take the rook on a8.


@magpi... I did mean to b say d3 indeed, nothing to do with notation confusion etc, just my big thumbs on my tiny phone lol. The idea is not to continue allowing that kingside pawn hanging like a Christmas wreath on your front door above a welcome mat that says "Checkmate Me" in a flowery Gothic script!


Editx2 that d3 note was for amrugg too! And the rest of the d3 corner. It is both the safest and smartest play imo.


I'd say Rxb4 Nxb4 Bd5 then you get a queen + knight for your rook.

The_Man_Who_Fell_To_Earth wrote:

Editx2 that d3 note was for amrugg too! And the rest of the d3 corner. It is both the safest and smartest play imo.

On second thought, I think Rxe4 wins the most material by force. After Nxe4, you play Bd5 and fork the rook and the knight. You'll win a knight and queen for a rook.


rxe4 nxe4 qe1 f5 d3 O-O Qxe4


Rxe4, nxe4 Bd5 forking the rook and knight. There's probably something better but that's my first instinct.
