
Why am i not allowed to eat this castle?


Here's a picture of a game i had
nullHere as you can see the castle on E5 is checking the king(black to move)

logically, I (black) would eat the castle with my pawn on D6 to E5,

But using a chess calculator, it always moves the king from E1 to D2.
Or is this just thinking a head so many turns that i can't wrap my head around it.

hot10000 wrote:

Here's a picture of a game i had
Here as you can see the castle on E5 is checking the king(black to move)

logically, I (black) would eat the castle with my pawn on D6 to E5,

But using a chess calculator, it always moves the king from E1 to D2.
Or is this just thinking a head so many turns that i can't wrap my head around it.


You can't eat the castle because it is simply a diagram of a rook. Diagrams on computers or phone screens cannot be eaten.




The rook on e5 is delivering a check on the Black king. The rook can be captured by the pawn on d6, and yes you are allowed to capture (not eat!) the rook on d6, but pay closer attention, The Black pawn moves from d6 to e5. Now the White queen can travel all the way to d8 since the pawn has cleared the path for the queen. Imagine this. Queen goes to d8. Check. Can the queen be captured? Only by the king, but the queen is defended by the bishop. So the king cannot move to d8 safely. Neither do the squares d7 and e7 which are attacked by the protected queen. Can the king move to f7? Someone is guarding the square! And the king is so protective of his men that the king dares not capture his own bishop on f8. Where else can the king go? The king cannot go anywhere! What is the name given to this situation where the king is in check and cannot escape the check?


While material on the board is almost always important, king safety is always even more important. Computers will always find the moves that prolong checkmate (if they are on the losing side and checkmate is imminent) as far as they can.



In the diagram it is White to play. Would you root for White or Black?

DeirdreSkye wrote:

"Eat" is a word used in chess clubs for fun and means "capture".

So if Black eats/captures the rook with d6 it's checkmate on d8(Qd8#) as chessdotcomv3sucks already said.

That is why your calculator tries to find another move.


I know, I also sometimes use the word eat for fun.

The chess club I attend has a section for younger players.

One of them says "nuke" instead of capture.
mickynj wrote:

There are few human activities as pointless and asinine as "correcting" someone who uses a common and easily understood colloquialism.  Everyone knew exactly what the OP meant by using the humorous term "eat." 

And one of those few is pointing out that something is pointless and asinine.


What I don't uderstand is how the original poster is clever enough to post his game here but overlooks a mate in one.

But they've only recently joined, so Hi!

Heather_Stephens wrote:

What I don't uderstand is how the original poster is clever enough to post his game here but overlooks a mate in one.

But they've only recently joined, so Hi!


He is probably learning the ropes of the game. I used to start out that way also, where I always captured material when I saw that the captures were rather obvious. Some were plain hanging pieces, while others were traps.


At least he did notice that the rook could be captured, but perhaps he might not be proficient in mating patterns yet. This could probably explain why he found it rather unusual for computers to decline the hanging rook (which was probably not hanging in the first place since the rook would have more likely captured material on e5 as a sacrifice).

VicountVonJames wrote:
The chess club I attend has a section for younger players.

One of them says "nuke" instead of capture.


In my chess club, against one of the older players, I used the word 'fight' to attack or capture a piece.


eating castles usually leads to constipation for pawns. unless it is on the back rank, where they can digest castles easier due to their long journey.


I have fond memories of the winboard GUI.


And as in real life, you eat the white castle and you regret it.


All this talk about eating has made hungry. 


In the diagram it is White to play. Would you root for White or Black?

I just hope they both had fun.


If he wants to "eat a castle" who are we to criticize?  After all, I like to have my "horse" "*&^!" the queen.  


(You know, I mean a friendly "lick" right?  Because she has an apple in her pocket.  After all, this is a family site happy.png)


Are you using your chess calculator during a live game? If so stop or you will get banned if not welcome to!

Forkedupagain wrote:

Are you using your chess calculator during a live game? If so stop or you will get banned if not welcome to!


Does not look like it's even played on based on the 9 games that he/she has played so far.


thanks for all the laughs and giggles. Had great time reading all of those answers. I would eat my queen anytime.
Yea im kinda new to chess. playing couple games here and there vs computer and trying to win against bot. 

No im not using chess calculator during live games. That gives you nothing using chess calculator live game. What's the point of playing chess if you use somekind program to calculate your turns for you?

hot10000 wrote:

thanks for all the laughs and giggles. Had great time reading all of those answers. I would eat my queen anytime.
Yea im kinda new to chess. playing couple games here and there vs computer and trying to win against bot. 

No im not using chess calculator during live games. That gives you nothing using chess calculator live game. What's the point of playing chess if you use somekind program to calculate your turns for you?


You can begin by familiarising yourself with the starting positions of the pieces, how each piece functions and the basic checkmate patterns, including the basic king and queen or king and rook versus bare king endgame.


here from the future, you're supposed to say "bring them to the afterlife" when you capture the pieces