
A new high for me, very closed position


I think I played fairly well in this matchup. Started as a KID which I've been trying to stick to for my d4 play. There was enough early trades that I thought it would end up being a boring draw but it got interesting for a bit at the end.


32. Nb3 looks like a bad plan.  Qb3 followed by Rc1 and N-f1-e3-f5 looks a lot better for White.

Good game by Black.


13. Why would he take with the pawn rather than the queen and ruin his structure?

Scottrf wrote:

13. Why would he take with the pawn rather than the queen and ruin his structure?

Judging by his play later it was to give a file his rooks could try and attack on. But I agree that taking with the queen, that's what I would have done.