
An OTB game I played earlier today.


It has been a while since I annotated a game so I thought I would get back into the habit. This is a game from earlier today which was played by me for my club internal league. The time controls were 65 minutes with 10 minutes back after 30 moves.

The opening I used was the Scandinavian nf6 variation and this is the fully annotated game. As always, I want to learn from this game. Please point out everything that you see which is wrong or even you think might need a bit of looking into.

Oh and I tried to post this earlier and it just disapeared. Luckily I had copied the text before submitting just in case so I had to copy across each move comment manually. Uh. :(


Note: Your opening paragraph should read "with 10 minutes back after 30 MOVES". Just a little correction.

Rather than analysing the game, I just found myself fascinated by your opening line! I'll have to look into it!


Ah thanks for pointing out the typo. I made it while trying to remember what I wrote the first time, the copy which got lost somewhere out there in the interweb.

Yes the Scandinavian can be rather wonderful once you realise that you don't have to take back the centre pawn with the queen. I think what I love about it the best is that it isn't too mainstream. People have usually had less practise with this than, say, the Ruy Lopez.


Oh I forgot to ask. Does anybody have a chess engine to run this through? I'd quite like people to pick through it. :)


thanks for anotations, always helpful.


I'm beginning to think I put this in the wrong forum. Perhaps it should belong to game analysis, however I was put off from that forum because I won this game.

Anyway, regardless of where I posted it, I would quite like someone to go through it.


nice game


Very nice game you won there.Smile