
Chess Autopilot


Here is a game I recently played on live chess whilst watching TV and making moves on my turn based chess games.  I try not to do this as it seems to put me in some strange zombified state where I'm not really concentrating properly and I end up playing in an auto-pilot sort of way.  Not really looking where I'm going, just moving pieces into positions I know to be sort of correct. (This goes okay through an opening I know but when it gets to the middle game it ends up looking horrendous).  In this example I noticed the position looked like I had a chance at Legall's mate and ended up going wrong.  Enjoy the incompetence of my play:


nice game.


thank you


I play like that all the time!  While playing live, I move in other games, listen to music, do tactics trainer or chess mentor, and post in the forums.

I don't know what it's like to not play in auto-pilot...