
How do you get to Budapest?


I'm always fascinated by gambits and after reading this recent article 

Openings for Tactical Players: Budapest Gambit ( I knew I had to try the Budapest Gambit. 


The problem of course is getting to the starting position. Will white open with the queen's pawn and then play c4 after I open with the king's knight. 

So, sometimes it's tough to practice. (Of course, starting a thematic game takes care of some of those problems.)

Anyhow, enough throat clearing. I just had a fun game with the Budapest Gambit that I thought I'd share here. 

It almost felt like an extended tactics trainer problem as my opponent made what I think are a few early mistakes and I got to slide everything nicely into place. 




I'm sure my opponent made some mistakes and blunders and I probably did too, but I definitely enjoyed this game and I hope you did too. 

I'll read any feedback you provide. 


There are 2 groups where this gets played regularly in thematic games and vote chess:

You might want to check it out....

