
Quick win on the diagonal!


This is my favorite win so far!  My opponent didn't see this coming...checkmate on the 21st move against a much higher player...


Haha very nice mate.

Don't think I'm in a place to judge, but maybe both were quite slow sometime in development???


I guess white should have played 19 Bf4, since retaking the pawn with his knight obviously looses after your queen move to e5. Specially since he can't protect both the knight AND mate threat in one tempo.

well played!


Nice win.  But go over your victories too to get better. I hope some of these tips are helpful.  I've looked over some of your old games too for instance.

2. . . Bc5 is much better (although Nf3 is book too) immediately attacking the weak diagonal and keeping a grip on d4.  It's like having a King's gambing with the F3 square taking away from the Knight!

5 . . . Bb4?  Throwing away the advantage!  Yes this pins the Knight but it really doesn't do anything.  The Knight takes e4 threat is now gone since white has played d3 (or black could have played Ne2 anyhow).  Keep the pressure on d4 and keep white obstructued in a king's gambit ish type of position without the Knight's best f3 square.  Now... white is equal again if he would have played Ne2.

6. . . . Nd4?  Think about the basic opening principles.  You have moved your bishop twice and your knight twice instead of getting your other pieces into play or castling.

8.  White could have played Nxd4 forcing doubled pawn on the d file or more importantly clearing for the pawn push on f4.

11. . . . e6 is better... activing the other bishop.

15.  . . . h6?   . . . d5 is much better... that was the point of c6 in the first place... if he wants to trade off one of his bishops for your knight when you have both of your bishops...welcome that. (in this which will become open after d5).

16 . . . d5 is still better!  His king is in the middle of the board with a weak pawn protecting him!

17 . . . Bd6??? that loses a piece of black plays e5 and forks the knight and bishop and should be enough for white to win.  Bishop a7 was the move keeping a grip on whites weak diagonal.

18 . . . c5??? You missed it again.  White can play e5 and win a piece.

20 . . . great move... forking the Knight and threatening mate.  White should have ignored the pawn and played Bf4 the move before.  Maybe white could have played f4... threatening e5 again if you took the knight (but would eventually lose the rook for the knight because of smothered mate possibilities )

(i.e. 21. f4 Qxd4 22 e5?! Ne4 23 exd6 Nf7+ 24. RxN (if 24. Kg1?? Nh3++ 25 Kh8 Qg1+!!! 26 RxQ Nf7#checkmate) QxR


They are just being nice; this is rudimentary. 

greekgeek all are giving excellent feedback.  Thank you!  I especially appreciate politicalmusic and all the time you spent on this.

illini977 wrote:

Haha very nice mate.

Don't think I'm in a place to judge, but maybe both were quite slow sometime in development???

 Fair enough


No problem bro.


20...Qe5!! nice


How do people reach 1650 if they can't see a mate in one?


Everyone makes mistakes... Even Kasparov.





Doctorjosephthomas wrote:

How do people reach 1650 if they can't see a mate in one?

"Can't" see it, and "don't" see it are two different things.  Ask Kramnik or Reshevsky.

tonydal wrote:

18 e5 wins a piece

nice spot tony.