
Very unsportsmanlike(he gets 4 queens!!!!!)


Imagine being that stubborn to resign, what kind of fragile ego do some chess players have to keep refusing to click on surrender. And then go to the forums and insult the other player of being childish

OwnkruidBE wrote:

Imagine being that stubborn to resign, what kind of fragile ego do some chess players have to keep refusing to click on surrender. And then go to the forums and insult the other player of being childish

what kind of chess player cannot give a simple mate with such an overwhelming material advantage?




Pretty funny tbh


[Event "VVVikrant vs. HaringChessmozo"] [Site ""] [Date "2023-12-10"] [White "VVVikrant"] [Black "HaringChessmozo"] [Result "0-1"] [WhiteElo "709"] [BlackElo "728"] [TimeControl "600"] [Termination "HaringChessmozo won by checkmate"] 1. e4 e5 2. Qh5 Nf6 3. Qxe5+ Qe7 4. Qxe7+ Bxe7 5. e5 Ng4 6. d4 Nc6 7. c3 b6 8. d5 Ncxe5 9. Nd2 Bb7 10. c4 Bb4 11. a3 Bc5 12. f3 Ne3 13. Ne4 Nc2+ 14. Kd1 Nxa1 15. Nxc5 bxc5 16. Bf4 f6 17. Bxe5 fxe5 18. Kc1 Nb3+ 19. Kc2 Nd4+ 20. Kd2 O-O-O 21. Ne2 Nb3+ 22. Kc2 Nd4+ 23. Nxd4 exd4 24. Kd3 Ba6 25. Be2 d6 26. Rc1 Rde8 27. g4 Re7 28. f4 Rhe8 29. Re1 Re3+ 30. Kd2 Bxc4 31. Bxc4 Rxe1 32. Bb5 R8e4 33. Bd3 R4e3 34. Bc4 Rh1 35. f5 Rxh2+ 36. Kd1 Rg3 37. Ke1 Rg1+ 38. Bf1 Rxb2 39. g5 Rb1+ 40. Kf2 Rgxf1+ 41. Kg2 Rxf5 42. Kg3 Rxg5+ 43. Kf4 Rxd5 44. Ke4 Rh5 45. a4 Rh4+ 46. Kd5 Ra1 47. Kc6 Rxa4 48. Kb5 Ra1 49. Kc6 d3 50. Kb5 d2 51. Kc6 d1=Q 52. Kb5 Qe2+ 53. Kc6 c4 54. Kb5 c3+ 55. Kc6 c2 56. Kd5 Qd2+ 57. Ke6 c1=Q 58. Kf7 g5 59. Kg7 g4 60. Kf6 g3 61. Ke6 g2 62. Kf6 g1=Q 63. Ke6 a5 64. Kf5 a4 65. Ke6 a3 66. Kf5 Rb1 67. Ke6 a2 68. Kf5 a1=Q 69. Ke6 h5 70. Kf5 Rg4 71. Ke6 h4 72. Kf5 h3 73. Ke6 h2 74. Kf5 h1=Q 75. Ke6 d5 76. Kf5 d4 77. Ke6 d3 78. Kf5 Qdb2 79. Ke6 d2 80. Kf5 d1=Q 81. Ke6 c5 82. Kf5 c4 83. Ke6 c3 84. Kf5 c2 85. Ke6 Qcd2 86. Kf5 c1=Q 87. Ke6 Q2e2+ 88. Kf5 Qef1+ 89. Ke6 Qbe2# 0-1




I think that underpromoting to multiple Knights is more fun. On a serious note, I've had young students ask me about when to resign. This actually shows a bit of maturity in my opinion.


honestly, that whole game was hilarious, lot of mistakes and then the king getting 7 wives was the best part.


how are ppl still commenting on a 2009 troll forum thinking its real


Great respect to our opponent here who is humble enough to resign as the situation says so...