
Wanna Play?


Hello! I was asking if anyone wanted to challenge me! Here is my stats:

Current: 1014
Highest: 1200 (30 Jul 2011)
Avg. Opp.: 1044
Best Win: 1003 (wiqedfunk)
Today's Rank: #207600 of 246,350 (15.6%)
Total Games: 46
Won: 22 (48%)
Lost: 24 (52%)
Drawn: 0 (0%


       Please, NO OPPONENTS OVER 1020, If you do wish to challenge me, and is over the limit, PLEASE MAKE THE GAME UNRATED! Thanks!


If you wish to challenge, or plan to send one, please post a comment here, it will help me discern which are practice matches through this forum. Thanks!


Oh, yes, that will be fine!


come on, don't be scared of ratings! Which do you think is the most important? 1.Getting better and better at chess by playing better players or 2.Playing similar-leveled people and scared that the rating will drop and not get better as quick as getting better while playing skilled players

Which will u choose as the more important?


ratings are JUST numbers!


doesn't tell much (i defeated a 1500 guy once in rated)


People, I'm 1027 now. I've been getting better. Out of my last 10 games, its 6 wins/10 total. That is over half, which is considered good any day of the week, and twice on Sunday. Also, the first LIVE tournament I entered, I came in 2ed place.


great to hear!


UPDATE: my rating is now 1038. Thanks! :D


At the sub1300 level, the only thing you need to analyze is why you hang pieces so much.


Are you suggesting that I hang piece a lot? 

Yeah, ChristianSoldier007, I already do that.

The_Gavinator wrote:

At the sub1300 level, the only thing you need to analyze is why you hang pieces so much.

I think that goes for the sub 1600 level as wellWink


I know! I love looking over my games. It really helps me. I have gotten better about not hanging pieces, but sometimes slip up when too many things are going on at once. It happens to the best of us.


No I'd say 1300 is around the level on here where people start to know how to play... That's around 1200 USCF.


Yeah, true.

The_Gavinator wrote:

No I'd say 1300 is around the level on here where people start to know how to play... That's around 1200 USCF.

To a 1600 player, 1300 doesn't really understand how to play yetLaughing


Yeah. I've learned that you don't have to play a game in 10 minutes.


True, to a GM, a FM has no clue how to play

The_Gavinator wrote:

True, to a GM, a FM has no clue how to play

I played a former NM once, and his strength of play is almost immediately felt. The pressure is so different from  my level of opponent, and he made me feel quite helpless. The game was an example of holding on until the inevitable collapse of my position, while at the same time I had zero chances, that I could see, in attacking his position. 

ChristianSoldier007 wrote:

yeah trysts that feeling of depair... 

every time i face my chess coach

It is surprising how good the titled players are! All the years and games that I've played, and still there are so many more levels that I will never be at, it just amazes me.