
Why Are Chess Plyers [removed]?


Why is it that this game brings out the worst in people?

I have yet to meet a friendly chess player.

Trolls and [EDIT-4K] profanity. Immaturity and rudeness is worse by far in this game than any other.


I know, and also people abandoning games, like just resign, you still lose points either way.
It’s so petty
These people you’re talking about, hate losing it hurts their pride , that’s why they start crying like a spoiled brat , and begin to foul mouth their opponents .
When ever this happens to me, I just start to laugh, and post this emoji ✌️🤪
NessNessNessie wrote:

Immaturity and rudeness is worse by far in this game than any other.

For example, there are some who trashtalk the entire chess community based on a few bad examples. Imagine that.


You better play me, trolling my post, and you better play you jive talkin turkey!

NessNessNessie wrote:

You better play me, trolling my post, and you better play you jive talkin turkey!

He’s 2000 elo, you will be absolutely obliterated


2000 elo ratings are fake, everyone knows that.

@Ness as someone who’s 1850 with a peak elo of 1987 I can guarantee that’s not true
Llusou wrote:
@Ness as someone who’s 1850 with a peak elo of 1987 I can guarantee that’s not true

I don't believe anyone on here.


I didn't think chess had such unpleasant communication. I thought that chess players were well-balanced and intelligent people who are guided by common sense and do not resort to profanity.

BuffingtonW wrote:

I didn't think chess had such unpleasant communication. I thought that chess players were well-balanced and intelligent people who are guided by common sense and do not resort to profanity.

Creating a troll account just to verbally abuse the entire community. Good job.

BuffingtonW wrote:

I didn't think chess had such unpleasant communication. I thought that chess players were well-balanced and intelligent people who are guided by common sense and do not resort to profanity.

I thought so too, I started Chess to find friendly, mature, intelligent people. It turned out to be the exact opposite of that! Rude, selfish, trolls. Have yet to meet a nice person in this game. You are just another example of a troll. Just a rude person and nothing else.


I have the opposite problem as OP: every chess I've met is either too afraid to be honest, or just lacks complete self awareness and/or pride when it comes to skill level.

magipi написав: BuffingtonW wrote:

I didn't think chess had such unpleasant communication. I thought that chess players were well-balanced and intelligent people who are guided by common sense and do not resort to profanity.

Creating a troll account just to verbally abuse the entire community. Good job.

I had no intention of offending anyone. 
I just expressed my opinion on what I had read.