Why Are Chess Plyers [removed]?

Immaturity and rudeness is worse by far in this game than any other.
For example, there are some who trashtalk the entire chess community based on a few bad examples. Imagine that.

You better play me, trolling my post, and you better play you jive talkin turkey!
He’s 2000 elo, you will be absolutely obliterated

I don't believe anyone on here.
I didn't think chess had such unpleasant communication. I thought that chess players were well-balanced and intelligent people who are guided by common sense and do not resort to profanity.

I didn't think chess had such unpleasant communication. I thought that chess players were well-balanced and intelligent people who are guided by common sense and do not resort to profanity.
Creating a troll account just to verbally abuse the entire community. Good job.

I didn't think chess had such unpleasant communication. I thought that chess players were well-balanced and intelligent people who are guided by common sense and do not resort to profanity.
I thought so too, I started Chess to find friendly, mature, intelligent people. It turned out to be the exact opposite of that! Rude, selfish, trolls. Have yet to meet a nice person in this game. You are just another example of a troll. Just a rude person and nothing else.
I have the opposite problem as OP: every chess I've met is either too afraid to be honest, or just lacks complete self awareness and/or pride when it comes to skill level.
I didn't think chess had such unpleasant communication. I thought that chess players were well-balanced and intelligent people who are guided by common sense and do not resort to profanity.
Creating a troll account just to verbally abuse the entire community. Good job.
I had no intention of offending anyone.
I just expressed my opinion on what I had read.
Why is it that this game brings out the worst in people?
I have yet to meet a friendly chess player.
Trolls and [EDIT-4K] profanity. Immaturity and rudeness is worse by far in this game than any other.