
1500 Rapid, how to reach 1600?


I reached 1500 in Rapid nearly a month ago, how can I reach 1600? I've been playing a lot, and my peak rating was 1584, but im not 1540.

How can I reach 1600?


Play warm up game with bot or as Anonymous.

Play only one Rated game. On the second game, you are tired already


Analyse your lost games.


Looking at ur games you really dont have a main opening you just play into your opponent's position. Try studying a less common variant of an opening like the jobava london. It will make u win. happy

TheKrugingDunnerEffect wrote:
tygxc wrote:

Analyse your lost games.

Why analyze your lost games only when you can analyze all games?

Most people don't review their games at all, it's just that reviewing your mistakes help you prevent them in the future, and mistakes are normally prevalent in lost games. Reviewing all your games is still a great choice.

As for the poster, learning openings to the extent where you can play the first ten or so moves is always very useful. Ending the beginning with an advantage is such as easy feat as it's just memorization


'You may learn much more from a game you lose than from a game you win' - Capablanca

'Memorization of variations could be even worse than playing in a tournament without looking in the books at all' - Botvinnik

play4fun64 wrote:

Play warm up game with bot or as Anonymous.

Play only one Rated game. On the second game, you are tired already

I am 1660, and I do recommend playing 3 to 4 rapid having a proper 3 to 4 minutes (in this you may analyze or review your game) break in between each game to reset your brain.

And dont feel bad everyobe get stuck at 1500 and I too got struck.


Ok, thanks guys

TheKrugingDunnerEffect wrote:

Once I reached 1500 rapid, I got stuck at well, so I decided to take a break from rapid and grind blitz.

How can I grind blitz?

Will it help me when I return to Rapid?




My recent games are nearly all losses, i dropped 60+ elo points in a matter of days