
584 to 1416 Blitz in 2.5 years



I learnt how to play chess in 2013, and my rating to start was 584 points. Over the course of the last 2.5 years, my rating is now above 1400 points. This is already around 85 percentile. So I realise that at this rate, getting to a rating of over 2000 points (99 percentile) is going to take a lot longer. Is there any way, other than practicing for 4-5 years, that I could improve my score to over 2000 points?

Many thanks in advance!


kinestheticstar wrote:

Is there any way, other than practicing for 4-5 years, that I could improve my score to over 2000 points?

Yes, you can look up the thousands of threads on addressing this issue and follow the advice that's given over and over and over again.


My question isn't how you got to 1416. Mine is how on Earth did you get to 584 ? I mean I think I can find a hot August nite, but how am I suppose to find the Kalahari ?


Wait what? You started at 584? When I first started playing chess I was hovering around 1000-1100. It may has to do with being Trump, the president of the presidents.


I have to say I agree with both of the above...


well, i had not an idea about how to play Chess... is that such a big shock to you guys? My guess is that you must have played the game before you got to


I started at the same rating too an so did every other begginers beggining.

So did trump and the trump troll.  So did Magnus.



I started on an absolute begginer.

Rate of improvement varies on age/abtract reasoning ect.

But when someone learns the rules, they are almost always invariably the same level.  Experience and factors come after.


Wait. Your best win was Yuri? LOL

How did you get him to play you? If using an engine counts as playing... Although you did win...


Many thanks ChessOfPlayer. I suppose there is hope!

ChessOath wrote:

Wait. Your best win was Yuri? LOL

How did you get him to play you? If using an engine counts as playing... Although you did win...

We had a few blitz games.  I was very much out of practice as I still am.  We had a draw, I had a win and he won the rest.  He wasn't cheating as far as I could tell.  If he cheated he was doing it in standard and/or online.

Even though he was an annoying troll cheater, he was good at chess.  He may have cheated once or twice for rating or ego but he deserves some credit for his study posts and obvious strength.  He is's strongest troll probably.