
Alphazero vs Leela zero: when will this duel happen?

congrandolor a écrit :
Marie-AnneLiz wrote:
IMBacon a écrit :
barretoff wrote:
IMBacon escreveu:

No idea and don't care.  Engine chess bores me to tears.

I don't think like you do. The neural networks are very interesting, the movements they make during games are often surprising, I think it's really cool.

I think the technology is awesome.  And the fact that someone got a learning machine to go from beginner to beating the best chess engines in 4 hours is impressive to say the least. 

But the reason why watching them play doesn't interest me?  I dont understand the moves.  I have no idea why 2700-2800 GM's make the moves they do.  So I am definitely wont understand what something rated 3500 is doing.

awesome game! thanks for sharing it

6 more games:

AI Leela Chess Zero vs Stockfish 10 | Mini Match


Sorry, this is old but I just got here.

The thing that most people don't realize about Deep Blue is that it's chess playing abilities had almost nothing to duo with its linpack results. It had special "chess circuits".  These were boards that had hardwired evaluation functions in them. Chess digital signal processors if you will.  These processors ran evaluations much faster than any (even the number one) supercomputer of the time could have run the same code in software.

A modern i7 can hit over 700 gflops but still not achieve 200 M nodes per second.