
And Yet MORE Silly Rules In Chess lol


I happened to see this thread that had me a bit worried ( Players disconnecting midgame will be flogged ). However as it turned out the last word in the title was " Flagged " not flogged, I may need new glasses I guess  lol.


I see that the FIDE is busy now creating some silly new rules ( no Cell-phones etc ). This upsets me because as the unofficial " keeper " of the silly rules thread I have not been asked for my input. I plan to lodge a very serious complaint with whoever wins the FIDE election ( I just hope that it's not that UFO fan again ).


I just spotted two threads on the go here ( " Lonely people play Chess " & " Do GMs have groupies ?? " ) and some questions came to mind. Are the groupies that the GMs have very lonely as the GMs have to travel around to play Chess ? Also how many groupies does a GM have, on average ? 


Someone has a thread on the go that asks: " Isn't resignation a form of disrespect ? ". That is a very interesting question ( I know that I've lost the game but I don't like you so I will NOT allow you to checkmate my King. Adios ! ). 


Cabby, following that cockamamie logic would also mean that beating someone is the ultimate disrespect! (Haha, I win. You are such a loser!)

Javan64 wrote:

Cabby, following that cockamamie logic would also mean that beating someone is the ultimate disrespect! (Haha, I win. You are such a loser!)

Thanks for the post Javan64. Good point and going further if we look back at the days of the Wild West if someone was slow on the draw with their revolver then they were a real loser  lol.


I read a " Silly " thing the other day: Ilyumzhinov has been voted back in as FIDE president. So how do people feel about having the aliens in charge of Chess on this planet ? I mean the Pres has previously stated the he has been on a UFO so I imagine that he got a chip implanted in his brain at that time ( but I wonder why the aliens want to control Chess  lol ). 


There is a " silly " thread on the go here entitled: Comment Deleted. Well I could go on and on at length about how goofy that is, indeed I could use a lot stronger language but ... then ... ( THE REST OF THIS COMMENT IS DELETED ) lol. 


I may have metioned a certain silly thread before but if so we will go over it again. The title is: " Could all of Today's 2600 GMs Beat Bobby Fischer ? ". Oh sure they could and of course pigs can fly too.


Way back we used to go into those threads and change the subject to whether waffles or pancakes are better.

ivandh wrote:

Way back we used to go into those threads and change the subject to whether waffles or pancakes are better.

--- Thanks for the post Ivandh. Yes those type of threads can be tiresome. On the question, back when I was a youngster living in Germany I loved pancakes. As time went by I came to like waffles as well ( need some good syrup there tho ). Nowadays I eat lots of oatmeal, people keep telling me that it's good for me  lol.


I've noticed a silly series of threads that state: " Last one to post is this ... " or " Last one to post is that ... " however the last one to post is the LAST ONE to post ( quite logical that  lol ).


Some threads are just silly and some threads are funny, so what should we call a thread entitled " Is Fartingf Allowed During Tournament Games ? ".


And still they keep on coming ! I just saw the " Is Farting a Tactic ? " thread, good grief what is next ?


Perhaps another silly thread: " Do Americans really see Bobby as one of the greatest Players ? ". Well of course Fischer was one of the greatest of all time, becoming World Champion in 1972 ( yes indeed he was Champ of this entire planet ). Needless to say he left a lot to be desired as a person but no matter what else he did after 1972 he will forever be on that rather short list of World Champs. 


So the other day I saw a thread here entitled " Quality of Topics is in Decline ". Needless to say I am now WAITING ! Yes I imagine that the creator on that thread ( plus his or her friends ) will now be starting some very very very HIGH quality threads here ( Right ??? ). 


Speaking of interesting threads there is one here now that is entitled " Last one to post is the Biggest Idiot on " ( boy that title speaks for itself  lol ).


" Is Farting allowed during Tournament Games ? "

There is a thread here that asks that very important Question. One could make the point that the FIDE needs to bring in the Anti-Farting Rule. If you need to blow off a fart you will need to make a run for the washroom. If you happen to lose on time due to this problem then just tell people that you fell victim to the " Farting Attack "  lol.


Is it similar to the bongcloud?

cabadenwurt wrote:

Speaking of interesting threads there is one here now that is entitled " Last one to post is the Biggest Idiot on " ( boy that title speaks for itself  lol ).

Haha! And I bet there are hundreds of posts!

Oh, btw, thanks for the new posts, cabby.