
Andrew Tate a Chess Champion?


I was told when Andrew Tate was a young boy, he won a championship in chess. 

I really want to know if this is even true? Why if true, He didn't take it further? Can He beat Magnus Carlsen?

I think He would beat Magnus Carlsen in chess considering He's the TOP G!

He became a chess champion at 5 after beating a 15 year old in an under 16 competition. This was when he was living in America.

He eventually moved to England around 12/13, where chess is much less commonly played than the US.

Therefore, he wanted an alternative for competition, and instead began learning kickboxing, eventually becoming 4x World Champion.

I believe he still played lots of chess, however dedicated his time instead mostly to kickboxing.


Probably lies like most of his kickboxing record. The guy is a proven faker.


Looks like I triggered a Tate fanboy whose comment got deleted before I could read it. Anyway, here is evidence of Tate's fakery. "But he speaks with faux-confidence, bruh. He must be real, bruh."


If Tate win a championship, then it was probably one without any worth.


Everyone can win a championship. Let four kindergarden kids who just learned the rules play a tournament. Inevitably, one will become the kindergarden champion.


I think all fighter records are padded with easy wins its just the way those sports work.

NotVeryCracked wrote:

I was told when Andrew Tate was a young boy, he won a championship in chess. 

I really want to know if this is even true? Why if true, He didn't take it further? Can He beat Magnus Carlsen?

I think He would beat Magnus Carlsen in chess considering He's the TOP G!

Andrew tate is rated 1600 blitz. that's nowhere near magnus level.

Why are people taking this seriously

MorningGlory84 wrote:

Looks like I triggered a Tate fanboy whose comment got deleted before I could read it. Anyway, here is evidence of Tate's fakery. "But he speaks with faux-confidence, bruh. He must be real, bruh."


Sorry buddy but the guy who wrote that blog is a moron. He proves it repeatedly in the article where he claims to expose lies about the kickboxing record.

His post is actually more full of it than what Tate comes up with himself.

Check your source next time.

First of all, K1 he refers to is a promotions organization that doesn't even make the top 10. It's current incarnation isn't even related to the one he talks about (Enfusion does though, top 3 or 4) K1 went defunct in 2011, then that brand name got purchased by "It's Showtime" ( notice Tate fighting that promotion in the same era) ,and eventually bought by Glory (under "It's showtime"), current largest and most prestigious promotion in the world which also had ISKA as it's sanctioning body until very recently.

K-1 is a ruleset used by several sanctioning bodies. Such as WKA, IKF, ISKA

Throughout his career Tate was in fact fighting in the top few largest kickboxing organizations against the world's premier fighters and earned titles from among the oldest and largest sanctioning bodies. 

He won the Enfusion world title from Wendell Roche look him up, he finaled and semifinaled in K1 a few years earlier when it was big.

Several guys he went against are currently signed with Glory.


aabanwardak wrote:

Yes he is because he won champion ship when he was young




His father surely was one of the genius chess players of his time


@MorningGlory84 you're wrong in every sense and so is this article. he won a tournament at 5 against 15 year old, this is true. 

Before his loss, he had won his previous 18 fights, all by knockout, and was ranked second best light-heavyweight kickboxer in the world. In 2013, Tate won his second ISKA world title in a 12-round match against Vincent Petitjean, making him world champion in two different weight divisions.

so i'm confused on what you're saying is false of him not being a champion in any circumstance. there was no lie at all. explain if you can..

Everybody is a Chess Champion.
NotVeryCracked wrote:

I was told when Andrew Tate was a young boy, he won a championship in chess. 

I really want to know if this is even true? Why if true, He didn't take it further? Can He beat Magnus Carlsen?

I think He would beat Magnus Carlsen in chess considering He's the TOP G!

maybe its true.  I wouldnt be surprised since his dad is a chess player


What's Andrew Tate's id


He's an average chess player but a certified world champion kick boxer and is incredibly wealthy. Anyone on here crying is sad about their own life and lack any meaning in their own life. Andrew is the top G but nowhere near the top echelons of chess. None the less, he is an avid player. Also he is a winner in life, and that's what matters. Not little girls on online message boards in their moms basements. Cheers and happy holidays!


Joshua Waitzkin is a martial art world champion but also a chess master and author.


Andrew deleted his account, he was somewhere near 1800 blitz, he played blitz but now that account is deleted probably he uses other now

FearsomePredator wrote:

Andrew deleted his account, he was somewhere near 1800 blitz, he played blitz but now that account is deleted probably he uses other now

The old account called @AndrewTate was renamed to @PutinWillWin somewhere around late September.

Just to clarify, I have no idea who Andrew Tate is or whether that account is really owned by him, but that's what happened to the account.